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Moa should get Supportive Beastmode

Kain Francois.4328

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The one beastmode form that gains Outgoing Healing doesn't have any animals that grant Healing skills (Jacaranda is self-target), while Moa with Harmonic Cry is locked behind every other Beastmode form. It just seems like a really counter-intuitive design, which makes the entire Beastmode Form pointless.

I think one of the Moa animals should be changed to Supportive Beastmode, so that the Ranger benefits from the Outgoing Healing when it uses Harmonic Cry.

edit: new forum layout is interrupting my ability to post link.

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White Moa is currently categorised as Deadly - it should be moved to Stout, like most ice-themed animals are currently categorised (Snow Leopard, Ice Drake and Alpine wolf are Stout while Polar Bear is versatile and Owl is supportive)

Blue Moa is currently categorised as Stout - it should be moved to Supportive - I mean it's unique ability grants AoE protection, if that's not support-oriented, I don't know what is ;)

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@"Kain Francois.4328" said:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Supportive_(Archetype)

The one beastmode form that gains Outgoing Healing doesn't have any animals that grant Healing skills (Jacaranda is self-target), while Moa with Harmonic Cry is locked behind every other Beastmode form. It just seems like a really counter-intuitive design, which makes the entire Beastmode Form pointless.

I think one of the Moa animals should be changed to Supportive Beastmode, so that the Ranger benefits from the Outgoing Healing when it uses Harmonic Cry.

Nah, that would make too much sense for Anet...

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