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Vindicator can't dodge with resistance....

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On 12/3/2022 at 7:54 PM, Moress.5609 said:

The GS2 after cast bug bothers me more tbh. But yeah this sucks trying to play vindi in any capacity in a PvP or WvW setting.

I've found the aftercast only seems to happen out of combat? really weird. If you're in combat or it hits (putting you in combat) it acts completely normally. Really weird bug.

Is vindis being unable to dodge even with resistance gonna be the new broken weakening shroud? That was broken for just over 4 months and was fixed with no patch note, lol

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On 12/9/2022 at 11:46 AM, Moress.5609 said:

It would be nice to have some sort of acknowledgment from ANet. All the vindi bugs are really making me sad as this is my favorite spec.

It was the same when Weakening Shroud broke. Total silence from Anet the entire time, and it was quietly fixed in a patch (and not mentioned in the patch notes). Best bet is to keep checking every time there's a patch, as Anet sure as hell won't tell you.

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