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In The Lab: Core Necro Thoughts- Minion Refocused, Staff Rework, Specialization Purity of Purpose.


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Hiyo hiyo -- so I've leisurely spent some time ruminating about the Necromancer and all of its class fantasy elements. I've felt that Minions have been rather passive in terms of playstyles, and the traits that interact with them are JUST left to Death Magic -- and increase survivability. So, I wanted to expand beyond this and entertain Minion traits in other Specs to play to that minion's strength. Additionally, Death Magic's Specialization feels too "elite spec-ey" with its Carapace. I'm wondering if this idea could be put aside for now and saved for a more "brusiery/tank" elite specialization in the future? Maybe even a "Lich" elite specialization? And then Lich Form could be replaced with Grim Specter ... lol.  As for weapons, I would love to see Staff be given another pass to make it a more active weapon, rather than a weapon kit that just has traps. 
This is purely for fun and shooting out some ideas. Also, this is VERY PvE focused -- and skill splits would be expected for the various gamemodes.

Here is the Full Slide Collection to just scroll through.

Staff Rework Slide -- Condi DMG + Support Ally-Target Options. More active, but retained the format of the current Staff.  
Axe/Focus Rework Slide -- Inspired by Virtuoso with the autoattack. Buffed up the Focus 4 to be more consistent and not a projectile.
Scepter Update Slide -- Added some Life Force gen. on the auto-attack. Devouring Darkness becomes the normal attack on Scep. 3. 

Utility Skills

Minion Update Slide -- Gave more love to a couple of the active abilities for the Bone Fiend and Flesh Wurm. 
Spectral Update Slide -- Added a Heal Spectral skill, and pushed this to be more of a brusiery/classic tank idea. 


Spite Slide -- Swapped out renewal for movement speed and increased crit damage. Shadow Fiend. 
Curses Slide -- Rearranged condi transfers & Focused on condi damage a bit more. Flesh Wurm.

Death Magic Minor Slide
Death Magic Rework Slide -- Rid of Carapace for a more straightforward specialization design I would expect of the core spec. Heavy on minions with more choice to make, and bruiser traits. 

Blood Magic Slide -- Purity of Purpose for group support. Blood Fiend. 
Soul Reaping Slide  -- Minor buffs. 
Enjoy zee slides.

Edited by kroof.5468
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2 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

No thank you and i think i said the same on 1 of your vids very long time back when you were putting similar staff changes after which i stopped watching your content. (if you are the same person)

But anyway why should Necro be getting 760 barrier just by doing auto attacks?


To assist in support healer playstyles ~ a la Scourge ~ and such levels of barrier are quite low when you compare it to other applications of Ally-Target barrier on Specter. Specter get into the thousands of barrier very comfortably on ally-target barrier. 
Just always thinking of ways in which support playstyles can be more active and opening up options. 

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16 minutes ago, kroof.5468 said:

Why keep projectile? If I can pick your brain? 

To my knowledge it's the only skill left that can be affected by legendary foci. Not the best reason but I don't think the skill needs to stop being a projectile to be better.

Making it a faster, damaging projectile would be one way to go about it

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On 12/7/2022 at 3:50 PM, Artificer.3468 said:

To my knowledge it's the only skill left that can be affected by legendary foci. Not the best reason but I don't think the skill needs to stop being a projectile to be better.

Making it a faster, damaging projectile would be one way to go about it

Ahh very true. 

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On 12/8/2022 at 5:20 AM, Artificer.3468 said:

To my knowledge it's the only skill left that can be affected by legendary foci. Not the best reason but I don't think the skill needs to stop being a projectile to be better.

Making it a faster, damaging projectile would be one way to go about it

Focus#4 needs to have its original animation back but with current effect of lifeforce generation and lifesteal.

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