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buff renegade


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Just now, Morwath.9817 said:

WvW isn't sPvP, so WvW balance is irrevelant here. All specs should be re-balanced to have their niche in each game mode.

That would split the balance even further so we might never see any changes since it would create even more work for Arena Net. 

It's fine as it is. The main balance is with the gear split and that is good enough, I guess some professions miss out but they are not entirely out of the picture. Renegade could do okay in 5v5 teams fights. 

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30 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

That would split the balance even further so we might never see any changes since it would create even more work for Arena Net. 

It's fine as it is. The main balance is with the gear split and that is good enough, I guess some professions miss out but they are not entirely out of the picture. Renegade could do okay in 5v5 teams fights. 

"Could do okay in 5vs5 team fights" doesn't sounds as a good aniche. Doing just "okay" isn't something you pick e-spec for.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/15/2022 at 2:29 AM, Arheundel.6451 said:

You are missing the whole point by contrast...

A build that can duel. team fight, support......typically it would be called bad design by common players....but ofc GW2 players would think otherwise....unless is not their profession. There is literally zero difference in CD and mechanics between the pvp version and wvw version for the skills I have linked..and yeah FW didn't cele to win did they? But hey...shame on me for even trying to make sense on the pvp forum, please you lot can keep up with the ranting and delusional talk.

"buff renegade..."...please folks...add as many sad faces to this post as you can..


Not that bad.

But the play style pretty much like a different Herald/Vindicator.

There has always have a best revenant let other ashamed.

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