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Ranger PVP builds


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Hello all,

I've been playing for almost a couple months now and I feel like the builds I'm finding online are possibly outdated.  Granted, the current build I am using right now (Decap Druid - metabattle) is working pretty well, I just want to try different things and see if I can perform even better, do more DPS, etc.  Right now I am usually doing around 100k+ DPS/100k+ healing on average (highest dps is 350k, often do between 150-200k+ dps) in 5v5 unranked .  Currently gold (2v2), rank 23.  However, I am curious if there are specific sites I should be checking (found metabattle, guildjen, some builds on youtube) that are reliable/up to date.  Or, should I focus more on just creating my own build?  It seems like the builds are a massive difference maker in PVP, so lately I've felt like I should just stick to something premade.


Edited by Fenris.8563
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I believe you mean damage total not dps. 100k+ dps would oneshot everyone.
As for the builds... just learn to make one yourself.
Obviously you can look at what someone has made and try it out, but personalized build will be better.
The decap druid from metabattle is a bit old and probably won't perform like other options, but can still work.

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On 12/14/2022 at 9:54 PM, Fenris.8563 said:

Yeah my bad lol total damage for sure.  Alright I'll kinda go back to the drawing board and try my own thing.  I have a better grasp on things now so it should be easier for me this time around.  Thank you

Although metabattle isn't always good or up to date, the current ranger builds that are listed under pvp are mostly good/decent: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Ranger

I'd avoid decap druid, its way too outdated for this meta and is heavily nerfed. Its better to play a condi type of druid imo if you want to play as a sidenoder, or a more high damage power druid variant (this one is listed in metabattle as "Staff/GS Duelist Druid").  That build is pretty good imo, although I prefer to use 'healing spring' instead of heal as one, to have more cleansing. As for condi druid, I personally use this; http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwAwiVlVw8YasJ2JW2O2t6SEfaA-z5YfIZqA6VKkwIwDDA 

This is my own build and works well for my playstyle and has a good balance between damage, healing and mitigation. 


The other listed builds on metabattle are all decent, and you can tweak them to your liking. If you try out the sicem sniper and like it, you can go for a higher risk, higher damage and play it like this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEcE2oMCGErjByMxi9a/pVi0nA-zZIPlMlA9qAKYIUyIwEDAA

The idea is to be merged, used warhorn 4 while applying quickening zephyr + sicem + one wolf pack, then barswap, longbow 4 knockback and then longbow 2. This will do insane damage, from max range. If you get attacked in melee you will die so make sure to use the griphon stance evade when this happens, go out of soulbeast form, use smokescale f2's smoke field and then use warhorn 5 inside of it to get stealth and use the superspeed from griphon stance to quickly get away. If you get stunnedin soulbeast form, you can also swap to the wolf and use its merged f3 for a stunbreak + invulnerabity, and then use the f1 for some mobility, then leave beastform, swap to smokescale and use f2 + warhorn 5 for stealth. It's a very fragile build but very fun and rewarding if it works.


At the end of the day though, the longbow untamed is currently probably still the best pick because it has the ability to instantly port to your target with precasted skills and drop like 10-15k damage in 1 second, even though the drake pet was nerfed a bit, and untamed isn't easy to play. Check out these videos from Blindside if you want to try it out: 

That guy is a very good ranger player and is a good source of information. Overall though I wouldn't start out with untamed. The core power survival, the core valkyrie or the staff/gs duelist druid, or any tanky condi druid build are pretty beginner friendly builds to start out on. 


I would also avoid GuildJen btw. The builds there are kind of meme and more meant for fun than performance. But if that's what you're looking for then go for it. 

Edited by Koensol.5860
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