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Sylvan Hound and Untamed


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2 hours ago, Mic.1897 said:

Sylvan Hound outparses Entangle though

I believe it's only initially but Entangled is better due to how low the cooldown is. All the benchmarks use it at the very least. 

I guess you could argue that it is better if you were pure power DPS.

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16 hours ago, Fuzzy.6925 said:

You didn't get enough answers the last time you brought this up?

Correct the replies in that thread were more troll than helpful.


Some people seem unwilling to acknowledge that they don't do as much damage as they would if they were Sylvari lol


Just because the intent is to have racials be useless doesn't mean it always holds true know what I mean

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7 minutes ago, Mic.1897 said:

Correct the replies in that thread were more troll than helpful.


Some people seem unwilling to acknowledge that they don't do as much damage as they would if they were Sylvari lol


Just because the intent is to have racials be useless doesn't mean it always holds true know what I mean

Again, I asked before in that thread and I asked again here. SHOW US. If it's REALLY more optimal, then show us. You have provided nothing to back up the claim.

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Racial skills are designed not to better than the core class skills. Again the main downside the Sylvari Hounds is the longer cooldown. 

Im pretty sure when I looked into this it only was higher dps at the start of a fight. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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Current patch record holders don't seem to use Sylvan Hound, including on fast (~1 minute) encounters, e.g.

Gw2 Wingman (nevermindcreations.de)

Gw2 Wingman (nevermindcreations.de)

They are generally either using SotP or nothing at all. Nothing at all could obviously be beaten by something that does some damage though. Although being at the mercy of the AI for positioning on Bears causes enough problems with stacking that you might actually be better off bringing nothing (pretty sure pets don't cleave.)

As always, if you can find ways to break DPS records in something by bringing Sylvan Hound, post a log/video somewhere, I'm sure people would be interested. It may also convince ANet to pay more attention to the state of Ranger elites, the power ones are really not very good 😄


For non-burst encounters, obviously Sylvan Hound makes no sense due to the long cooldown. In those situations condi untamed is the best performing option, where Entangle is the top play.

Edited by Sirius.4510
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8 hours ago, enkeny.6937 said:

Well, with fervent force, you can reduce the cd under 1 min, so the 'long cooldown' statement is not really a case...

Either way it probably ends up being worse than entangle for damage. They haven't shown any proof and quite honestly it isn't worth wasting time trying out for a potentially gimmicky dps boost.

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