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The problem with PvP


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25 minutes ago, Marxx.5021 said:

One shot meta it is. Specs with high mobility, teleport and invis/invulnerability. Port in - unload all dps - move out. No fun when its done by good players.

Mirage/WB.. current highest offenders of "skill jumps". Before that, SB/Scrapper. Differant specs, same sweaty vets.

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12 hours ago, Ashtaeroth.3940 said:

What does this even mean? I've seen plenty of people saying this but the attributes, runes, and sigils from a character's PvE equipment are not used in structured PvP maps.

oops sorry i ment pve build 

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12 hours ago, Marxx.5021 said:

One shot meta it is. Specs with high mobility, teleport and invis/invulnerability. Port in - unload all dps - move out. No fun when its done by good players.

How could there be one shot meta if every build u meet in PvP are bunker builds, like hell even the DHs have million plus one blocks, and insane boon generation
The problem with PvP is the amount of condies that can be stacked in a low amount of time, and that how condies scale with condition damage

I have no problem getting one shot by a berserker, but I do have a problem with 5 condies ticking on me because I got touched by a ranger skill, or a mech came too close to me

Not every kitten spec has permanent condi cleanses built into offensive traitlines

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5 hours ago, Nepster.4275 said:

How could there be one shot meta if every build u meet in PvP are bunker builds, like hell even the DHs have million plus one blocks, and insane boon generation
The problem with PvP is the amount of condies that can be stacked in a low amount of time, and that how condies scale with condition damage

I have no problem getting one shot by a berserker, but I do have a problem with 5 condies ticking on me because I got touched by a ranger skill, or a mech came too close to me

Not every kitten spec has permanent condi cleanses built into offensive traitlines

Vets are good enough to abuse traditional 1 shot specs (which melt if youre bad at it), most average players are not good enough, so they default to something that can survive for more than 3 seconds when making huge mistakes. That is why DH is still so broken, it has high burst damage, but is forgiving AF, mesmer is in that domain too, although the average mesmer will cry at how squishy they are AFTER they have failed their 10 second immune covered burst. Keep saying it.. ele meta was best meta, bad eles get sent straight to spawn, 0 exception.


Its quite sad but funny at the same time watching the avearge current ele. Mostly on tempest, air overloading through our scourge fields etc "ok let me put a big red target on you" >> dead. And then you get a DH/virt/druid, standing there, never dodging once, and taking >20 seconds to kill IF they suck.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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