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Help me understand pips


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21 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

It kinda bugs me the fact I have to play almost 3 hours daily to max out those pips weekly.

How can this be...

14 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

I have played wvw golden era 2013-2015 pre hot, played like hardore 50+ hours weekly. Then o realized wvw is a number game, whoever keeps more active players 24/7 wins, and little to nothing can be done about it. Some ppl have fun with the game mode even knowing that, i just dont.

...when you've played this much before? Surely after all that play back then you should be a higher rank than I?

My rank is somewhere around 1560 and I need 2 hours daily on average to max out my weekly wvw tickets. 

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43 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

How can this be...

...when you've played this much before? Surely after all that play back then you should be a higher rank than I?

My rank is somewhere around 1560 and I need 2 hours daily on average to max out my weekly wvw tickets. 

There wasn't this current rank system back then, I think they reverted poorly the hours played to the current rank, when I left little before hot and came back little after PoF my rank was 400 somthing, now since I just played for wvw to get 4 Gifts of Battle and used to boosts to half the farming time, since 2017 I've played like 15 hours of wvw before I started farming this leg ring

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8 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Again we need to get thru WR to get to what comes after.

So maybe in another 10 years at the 20 year anniversary. 🤭

Gw2 is like the only game that expects you to stick around and play it through your lifetime to accomplish/get anything decent, right down to the first batch of wvw achievements that would have taken 8-10 years to complete. Or when they released HoT without the legendary 2.0's, a big selling point for that expansion, and expected you to keep playing for years after to "eventually" get access to them.

This whole scenario is the same back when they kept stalling saying they were adding more to the "revamp" between 2015-2016 (only this time they ain't even saying anything at all! lol). Eventually released when Mike was in charge of content and released it all in parts instead from 2016-17, desert fixes, alpine fixes, reward tracks, skirmish mode, skirmish rewards, vendor ascended and legendary gear, links. all that in one year.

There's no excuse as to why everything else needs to be held back because of one system they've been on for 5 years, although they will say they didn't start until 2021, taps watch, oh look the 2 year anniversary of "Cornerstone" is coming up, what have they done in that time? throw some WR betas that have become a joke and look more like their regular wvw buggy event weeks....

Sorry /rant off 🤭🍿

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5 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

There wasn't this current rank system back then, I think they reverted poorly the hours played to the current rank, when I left little before hot and came back little after PoF my rank was 400 somthing, now since I just played for wvw to get 4 Gifts of Battle and used to boosts to half the farming time, since 2017 I've played like 15 hours of wvw before I started farming this leg ring

ah right, I didn't play WvW back then. So yeah if your rank is around 400 then you're two pips behind me...I understand now.

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1 hour ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Sorry /rant off 🤭🍿

No worries my friend. Point taken. But maybe it leads to a path to better define active gameplay, restores outnumbered so people will defend more and can create solutions to reduce reasons for people to AFK in WvW and maybe even give players of other game modes ways to achieve their goals outside of WvW.

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7 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

No worries my friend. Point taken. But maybe it leads to a path to better define active gameplay, restores outnumbered so people will defend more and can create solutions to reduce reasons for people to AFK in WvW and maybe even give players of other game modes ways to achieve their goals outside of WvW.

Oh I don't disagree with adding more active gameplay systems and rewards like bounties, or more dailies, and adding weekly achievements for matches like the tournaments ones, random bonus events triggered to promote conflict in say t3 objectives, etc, But stuff like that doesn't need WR to happen first, the only real thing WR affects is rewards through server wins because of the population balance. The problem isn't WR has to happen first, the problem is Anet doesn't want to give any development time to WvW.

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