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Power vs. Condition Builds... the Major imbalances


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21 hours ago, coro.3176 said:

This always comes off as strange to me, because outside of roaming builds, most WvW players already run power. Condi is pretty useless in large fights with the exception of ranger's repeating immobilize. If you hit someone with power damage in a big fight, you'll probably land at least half of it (losing some from armor & protection). If you hit someone with a condition in a big fight, you'll be lucky if it lasts for more than a single tick. You won't even get 10% of a condition's value most times.

Also a good point that I should've addressed in my post. Condi bunkers naturally scale down in usefulness as the number of players rise. Supports can negate their pressure altogether, forcing the condi player to burn through the enemy's defenses before they can get their damage to stick. 

Power does not have this issue because once the damage is dealt, there is no way to prevent it. 

This is also seen in PvP where condi players generally stick to a side node where they will be most useful. There are some exceptions to this rule, like the previous domination of Burn DH and condi necro, but these are not the norm. 

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