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How can ArenaNet solve this roaming problem?

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Again as a roamer/havoc the various changes to WvW just mean roamers need to change tactics as they have always done. It means we can't use as many general purpose builds but even in the past if you did you might run into issues. You have to plan for a role and then realize when what you are up against is outside of the build you have equipped. In the day and age of build templates even that is somewhat mitigated. So just taking some examples from here, are you set to deal with theives/Mez? Is that something you are hunting or should avoid. Are you ready for condi encounters? Are you ready for sustain encounters? Are you aware of what's going on around you so you can counter mounts versus mounts? What's your fight distances, are you melee or ranged and are you thinking about what you do when run into someone set to counter that range of play? Are you going to your targets or bring them to you? Are you using their watch towers to bait them to you? How many can you try and take? What classes are more able to counter yours and are you considering that when trying to determine how many you might try and engage. Do you need a battle buddy to offset your build weaknesses. Are you fighting in your territory or theirs? Do you know the best glide points and if in theirs do you have CC ready to knock them out of the sky and collect their death on their fall.

Again mileage will vary but while roaming I see more diversity now then in the past and that's due to a varied number of reasons. Now here's where I did see changes. If against servers that just run mega guilds there was less roamers on the other side. But that wasn't the fact that roaming was dead it was the fact that the other side was just moving in one mass and didn't have roamers because that wasn't their playstyle and if they could fill a map it meant no room for others. When they weren't running in mass, they weren't out there period. That's more on game mechanics in place currently which is OT of this thread. Another thread indicated they re-encountered the old, get off the map so I can get more of my guild on map statements. I think that servers that pack guilds large enough to use up a map queue you might see less roamers but again that's not an issue with roaming, those players already weren't roaming. Hence why the mix that the WR project uses will be important so we don't get more of this havocs and roamers get off the map so we can get our group in that was seen in the early years of WvW. But again, OT.

Roamers gonna roam. Good hunting!

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