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Ranked in a Nutshell


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Let me get this straight, in order to effectively compete in ranked I need to:

A) Have a duo partner who is very good

B) Play at 5 AM to effectively avoid all the other good players who could be q'ing

C) Hope that some free to play players aren't randomly playing pvp ranked and on my team as I confront Naru

D) Hope that no players on my team afk, rq, or dc either during the match or at the very beginning

E) Add all the best players I see so I can q dodge them in order to avoid bad matches

F) Play 4 times better than a plat 2 player so I can carry the uncarryable core charr ele and firebrand norn with no armor on

G) Swap classes just before the game starts to an actual good spec

H) Make 7 alt accounts that I can use only as backups with better odds at getting good matchups due to lower MMR

I) Hope that no one is multiboxing or jumping on their alts to try to tank me

J) Hope that at the end of the season no one spuriously shows up out of nowhere on the top ten like magic, due to them only lacking one required game to avoid being seen on the leaderboards. This is done almost every season by someone who always stays one game shy of the required amount so people don't try to knock that player off with their alts.

K) Don't upset any of the regulars who frequent ranked and are used to getting titles, as they will assemble the cartel to nuke you.

L) Oh yeah, and play a good meta build that I should be good with. I almost forgot that being good at playing conquest doesn't hurt. But the other things are more important.


Meanwhile every time I even ask myself I open the tab and see this on the Leaderboards:




1. Frederick                                  Wins- 128, Losses- 2

2. Frederikk                                  Wins- 123, Losses- 6

3. Johnsonsauce                          Wins- 110, Losses- 8

4. Johnsonsaucealt                      Wins- 568, Losses- 85

5. uwuwuwueureuwuuwu         Wins- 138, Losses- 23

6. demonman                               Wins- 145, Losses- 40

7.frederickalt                                 Wins- 112, Losses- 36

8.somedude                                  Wins- 96, Losses- 38

9.dudesome                                  Wins- 90, Losses- 42

10.ioioioiou                                   Wins- 89, Losses- 41


Nothing weird to see there, not like there's an army of alts/bots and people playing the system to compete for a title that has lost all value.

I mean credit where credit's due, they're not even hiding it, as everyone knows nothing will change. But still very disparaging.


Just wish this will someday change.

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5 hours ago, Engal.6359 said:

99.99% of players (most likely including you) will never be at a competitive level where this matters to them. Titles never meant anything so they haven't been 'devalued', just play what you want and don't focus on other people.

I'd say he's one of the better Spellbreaker players in NA right now.

Top 5'ish imo, even in a meta where everyone is playing Spellbreaker.

As a legit player who isn't working over the system as hard as he can to take high placements, he has every right to complain about the high levels of exploitation and abuse that this game sees in its ranked mode.

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9 hours ago, Engal.6359 said:

99.99% of players (most likely including you) will never be at a competitive level where this matters to them. Titles never meant anything so they haven't been 'devalued', just play what you want and don't focus on other people.

What competitive level are you even talking about? 

The standard for top 25 is plat 1 now and top 250 is very low gold, sometimes even silver.

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