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Bad ranger changes


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They make no sense-

they said bunker ranger isn’t playable because wilderness was over nerfed and that nature magic is currently very strong


wilderness is the best trait line overall for ranger, meanwhile nature magic is one of the worst trait lines in the game- with no synergy whatsoever ever and some insanely low numbers


the only outcome from this is now a stronger roamer and they didn’t even look at new traits that are already good buffs to all roamer ranger builds.



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17 minutes ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

They make no sense-

they said bunker ranger isn’t playable because wilderness was over nerfed and that nature magic is currently very strong


wilderness is the best trait line overall for ranger, meanwhile nature magic is one of the worst trait lines in the game- with no synergy whatsoever ever and some insanely low numbers


the only outcome from this is now a stronger roamer and they didn’t even look at new traits that are already good buffs to all roamer ranger builds.



got a link to the changes? could go for a quick laugh 😜

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6 minutes ago, thc enjoyer.4976 said:

Wilderness survival translates to condi buffs.. just what i wanted, more rangers running around rooting and condi bombing with sb. 

It’s just stupid.


they did mention condi soulbeast, but that’s not even a bunker.


they are just so incredibly ignorant of the ranger class that they copy and pasted the only build they heard about from metabattle

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53 minutes ago, Peter.3901 said:

Maybe i'm missing something, but what's that bad exactly? i liked the cooldown changes o.o

It does nothing for bunker ranger.


all of them are huge buffs to roaming which will already be top teir without being touched.


I like to play bunker ranger, but it will never even be viable at this rate

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For those that didn't see yet: 


100% guarantee you those changes will not change anything on Ranger. None of them are significant enough to disable or enable any new build structures. We'll see the same Sic Em OWP builds, and the same Condi Variants. If anything, the nerf to Wilderness Survival trait will hurt Condi Variants because it is going to make the ICDs longer on Sharp Stone and Entangle. These are stupid ill-thought changes. The only thing that really changed is they tossed a nerf at Unnatural Traversal on Untamed.

I am much more concerned with the very light hearted approach to Catalyst/Ele. That's a huuuuge disappointment.

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2 hours ago, thc enjoyer.4976 said:

Wilderness survival translates to condi buffs.. just what i wanted, more rangers running around rooting and condi bombing with sb. 

Nah dude it's a nerf to condi builds. The CDs will be longer on condi bursts now. These changes are stupid and will do nothing but hurt existing viable build structures. That +100 health per second on Bark Skin aint gonna make up for it.

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11 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Nah dude it's a nerf to condi builds. The CDs will be longer on condi bursts now. These changes are stupid and will do nothing but hurt existing viable build structures. That +100 health per second on Bark Skin aint gonna make up for it.

I mean not all builds take that, but it’s a good point.


I think it’s and even worse take now

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2 hours ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

I mean not all builds take that, but it’s a good point.


I think it’s and even worse take now

No, you know what? I read that wrong originally.

They are reducing the CD of every WS skill as if it already had -20% CD, but they don't mention Sharp Stone, so I assume they want it to remain on 30s CD for w/e reason.

Either way, these changes are moot because people will still take Wilderness Knowledge for the 2 cleanse per Wilderness Survival skill used and Fury. These alterations were clearly meant to encourage people to take lines other than WS, but on Core, Druid, Soulbeast, there is no way to get adequate cleanse without taking WS line and the actual trait WK. The only reason Untamed gets away with it is due to the full cleanse Untamed utility, the barriers it gets from utility use, and the anti-projectile bubble which eliminates like 75% of the condi play in this game. Core/Druid/Soulbeast has to take Wilderness Survival for that 2 cleanse + Fury on WS skills or they auto lose to pretty much any high condi pressure build, and without enough Fury, they have no pressure.

The only thing we'll see out of this patch for Ranger, are experimental Untamed variants. People will swap out Unnatural Traversal and pop in things like Quick Zephyr or the unblockable Hunt Sig or maybe Sic Em, ect ect. That single change to UT will completely destroy tele-burst play on Untamed though. It will no longer be able to instant tele during an animation like Maul to make sure it lands. Any decent player will simply just dodge roll away when it teles in. Without the instant cast it can't even land Nature's Binding that way. The best it'll be able to do is attempt to precast say the Wolf Knockdown before it casts UT and hope that CC lands so the person is stuck long enough to get hit by the first Maul, maybe long enough to land Hilt Bash and back into Maul, but without that instant cast, it really eliminates about 50% of the potential damage output on those tele-bursts and makes them much much easier to counterplay against. They won't even be able to use UT to quick target and teleport away from a bad situation because it has a cast time now, so that's also a big hit to what allowed them to survive well.

I really don't think UT will be worth it after this. Untamed will end up being played like an alternative Core Ranger wielding Marksmanship.

I definitely predict that Soulbeast/Druid is going to provide more efficiency after these nerfs, for sure.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

For those that didn't see yet: 

If anything, the nerf to Wilderness Survival trait will hurt Condi Variants because it is going to make the ICDs longer on Sharp Stone and Entangle. These are stupid ill-thought changes. The only thing that really changed is they tossed a nerf at Unnatural Traversal on Untamed.

I changed my mind, how unnecessary, why do they touched rangers this way...

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2 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

For those that didn't see yet: 


100% guarantee you those changes will not change anything on Ranger. None of them are significant enough to disable or enable any new build structures. We'll see the same Sic Em OWP builds, and the same Condi Variants. If anything, the nerf to Wilderness Survival trait will hurt Condi Variants because it is going to make the ICDs longer on Sharp Stone and Entangle. These are stupid ill-thought changes. The only thing that really changed is they tossed a nerf at Unnatural Traversal on Untamed.

I am much more concerned with the very light hearted approach to Catalyst/Ele. That's a huuuuge disappointment.

  • Primal Cry: This skill now inflicts poison on each strike in addition to its other effects.
    this could be insane depending on poison stack and duration
    It has fairly huge area and hits through walls, the skill is already strong.
    Im personally concern with WK not reducing CD of entangle/stone too, but personally think entangle should be kittening gutted and unusable with how dog-kitten the mechanic is.
    TBH I dont think cranger needs much buffs, its just other broken kitten needing to be nerfed more.

    with dolyak stance CD reduction 1 stunbreak condi ranger build could be a thing, exp with griff stance buff, but honestly doubt 😜
Edited by Leonidrex.5649
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47 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

with dolyak stance CD reduction 1 stunbreak condi ranger build could be a thing, exp with griff stance buff, but honestly doubt 😜

There are so many reasons why it won't be a thing.

The Rabid Condi Burst Druid that I run, will still be the dominant condi variant for ranger. 100% Guarantee these changes to Soulbeast will not usher in any new builds that do the condi job better than a Druid.

People will try, but it's not going to be awesome. There are too many mechanical limitations with condi on Soulbeast. It's hard to explain unless you're Ranger main, and in that case you'd understand why no higher tiered Rangers are running condi Soulbeasts. That DPS increase to Primal Cry doesn't even begin to touch the kinds of buffs in certain places that Soulbeast would need to make condi good on it.

Without much explanation, it would need these things:

  1. A pet like Smokescale that has some kind of attack like Smoke Assault that offenses and defenses at the same time for counter-offensive plays, that adds condi stat adjustments and condi beast abilities rather than power ones. This is the biggest problem with Condi Soulbeast is that its condi pets are just bad and don't provide it the same quality of merge skill mechanics as Power Soulbeasts get.
  2. It doesn't have enough easy to access on-demand stealth in the same way LB/GS Smokescale using power variants have access to, which is really necessary in this meta for survival. Even Druids have on-demand instant party stealth with CA Kit. Condi Soulbeast though? Well your best method there is to bring a Smokescale for the F2 and try to leap around in it with a Dagger or a Sword, which is isn't exactly "on-demand" and in higher tiered matches you simply do not have time to do that for a disengage without 3 players jumping on you and killing you. That kind of stealth prebuff is exactly that, it's only good for prebuff before you go into combat. Also the Dagger and Sword just suck in general. Using Dagger or Sword means you aren't using an Axe and that = you're a bad condi build that doesn't have enough pressure to actually kill anything in this tanky meta. And let's INB4 discussion about Trap Rune and Ranger Traps because it simply no longer works. Those builds get absolutely dumpstered by other things in this meta right now, and I"m not talking just Cata/Spell/Vindi.
  3. The stance skills even with these buffs, are no where near as strong as they need to be to be able to play a tank that doesn't need stealth. Great example, without even needing to go into much explanation here, I can confidently say that any of those Condi Soulbeast variatns would not be able to stand on a node with a Catalyst or a Spellbreaker as example, without being immediately bullied off and forced into kiting to survive.

It just isn't going to work and that sums up why ^

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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The sharpening stone change is going to hurt a lot.  Bleed/immob druid is already super off meta and with this change it may not be possible to play in even high gold anymore.  

Which is the ironic part, as right now I can easily hold a sidenode in g3 with Druid.  Nothing can really get me off except a 2v1 and can outright kill most things that aren't super bunker ele/spellbreaker/mes.  But the kicker is its all skill based, as need good positioning to pull this off.  I'd consider that balanced and if anything, underpowered compared to the amount of cleanse/invuln/barrier/etc. spam flying around.  

But yes, the devs seem incredibly ignorant of anything that isn't ele or guardian.  Ranger itself has been in a slow state of decline since Irenio left.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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On 2/4/2023 at 1:05 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

The sharpening stone change is going to hurt a lot.  Bleed/immob druid is already super off meta and with this change it may not be possible to play in even high gold anymore.  

Which is the ironic part, as right now I can easily hold a sidenode in g3 with Druid.  Nothing can really get me off except a 2v1 and can outright kill most things that aren't super bunker ele/spellbreaker/mes.  But the kicker is its all skill based, as need good positioning to pull this off.  I'd consider that balanced and if anything, underpowered compared to the amount of cleanse/invuln/barrier/etc. spam flying around.  

But yes, the devs seem incredibly ignorant of anything that isn't ele or guardian.  Ranger itself has been in a slow state of decline since Irenio left.  

Man everything on ranger is skill based rn.


sic em ranger rn is probably one of the top 3 most skillful builds I’ve ever seen in gw2.


but they love to nerf ranger and buff everything else



Edited by RedAvenged.5217
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