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Mantra Channeling (feb 3 patch preview)


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I like that mantras are getting their channel back. My issue is that I think that certain effects need to be granted immediately in order to be effective in certain game modes (ex: stability).


I propose that instead of a large effect after completing the channel, mantras pulse effects while channeling. If I remember right, the channel used to be a bit over 2 seconds, so there could be 3 pulses: one instantly, then one each second afterwards. These effects could even become progressively stronger the further into the channel it is.

Recovery: Heals each pulse

Concentration: Grants aoe stability each pulse and maybe aegis + stab on final pulse

Distraction: Recharge diversion X% each pulse

Pain: Gain AOE Might each pulse

Resolve: Remove x conditions each pulse. OR grants resolution first pulse, remove 2 conditions from you and one from allies on second pulse then remove 3 conditions from you and 2 conditions from allies last pulse.

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How's about for distraction it pulses a 240 range 1/2s daze instead of recharging diversion?

Before everyone reaches for their pitchforks hold up a sec. The devs stated they're incapable of balancing skills around having even a 20% cool down reduction trait, the recharge on diversion was significantly more than that. It's only a matter of time so why not skip it all and have it changed to be something else before the patch hits?

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28 minutes ago, apharma.3741 said:

How's about for distraction it pulses a 240 range 1/2s daze instead of recharging diversion?

Before everyone reaches for their pitchforks hold up a sec. The devs stated they're incapable of balancing skills around having even a 20% cool down reduction trait, the recharge on diversion was significantly more than that. It's only a matter of time so why not skip it all and have it changed to be something else before the patch hits?

And make it elite?

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The original mantras were overall fine if you knew how to play with them.

Mantra of Recovery channeled into Power Return, the channel had a larger heal.

Mantra of concentration was the one that saw little use outside of pre-channeling since a 2+ second channel stunbreak and aegis is unwieldy. It picked up much more WvW use after the radius improvement for the stability portion (this was already after the removal of the channel to flip to Power Break). If you gained the aegis on the initial part of the skill rather than the full charge of the channel it would be a major improvement but for now you probably want to prechannel it.

Mantra of Distraction lowering diversion's recharge is something that existed on the iteration and was useful. We're getting Power Lock back with this revert.

Mantra of pain (or power spike rather since they changed mantra of pain to pwoer spike's functionality) became more or less useless outside of PvE after they changed it, it was used heavily on power shatter to prebuff might. Yes 2.25s charge time is a long time but it allows for counterplay. I don't see this always being used in PVE after the change , at most it will be used with 1 ammo on Power Spike remaining to avoid the channel time.

Mantra of resolve cleansed every condition on the channel, so now you once again have a choice to prechannel or to use it for 3 conditions' removal on Power Cleanse.

Your suggestions of adding pulsing effects while they could work, provide an added balance complexity to the skills. The intent of the Feb 14 patch is to reassess why the change was made that removed art assets and counterplay. Instant cast mantras was never healthy for the game since it removed the counterplay and drawback.

Point by point:
Mantra of Recovery healing per pulse could work but you risk alienating well of eternity on chrono since a mantra isn't stationary. The heal would need to be really small in line with regen (think sub 200).

Mantra of Concentration pulsing stability isn't a good idea since the mantra user is mobile. One stack of aegis on initial cast would make it more usable in PVE probably (and as such should only really be a PVE only addition/change), pulsing aegis is not going to remove Well of Precognition from usage in PVE for tanking for example but could very well be broken in PVP (think chrono bunker) which is why I would be hesitant on suggesting that sort of thing.

Distraction: Recharge diversion X% each pulse --- I don't see how this is functionally different unless you want to remove the counterplay to the channeling

Mantra of Pain pulsing AoE might is unncessary probably, --- unless the might duration is long at least for power shatter in competitive modes having a full 12 stacks at once is more effective

Mantra Resolve removing conditions per pulse --- the whole idea is having a payoff at the end of the channel but I could see why you would want this.

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