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I'm really just displeased that armour of earth and mist form are non-negotiable 60s CD in WvW now. May as well just delete mist form as far as roaming goes (by the time it's back up the enemy's lower CDs will be more effective). At least armour of earth got a buff alongside the CD increase but even with that it's still not a lot of bang for your buck at sixty seconds....that's an elite skill CD duration, not a utility, whether it does invuln or not that's just so high that no one will bother using it lol

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1 minute ago, solemn.9670 said:

I'm really just displeased that armour of earth and mist form are non-negotiable 60s CD in WvW now. May as well just delete mist form as far as roaming goes (by the time it's back up the enemy's lower CDs will be more effective). At least armour of earth got a buff alongside the CD increase but even with that it's still not a lot of bang for your buck at sixty seconds....that's an elite skill CD duration, not a utility, whether it does invuln or not that's just so high that no one will bother using it lol

Agree. 40s I think is fair for armor of earth. Maybe 50s for  mist form

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As for an added effect i would like to see more boons and maybe make thoughts boons aoe on cantrip use. It would be nice to see the reg from cantrips become something that you can use to clear if they keep it as an water trait. Mind you i think cantrips trates should be on the fire line not water and over all utility need to be moved to fit there effect better.

As for armor of earth and mist form 60 sec is ok as long as they up there effects in wvw. AoE needs to pules stab on-top of barrier per boon i would also like to see mist form get back its old aoe 0-1 dmg chill and aoe reg pules.

Added thoughts: Fire should be cantrips, water should be signets, earth should be conja wepons, air should be arcains, arcains should be glyphs. You do not need to comply rework there added effect on use too but the curent atuments do not match there utility.

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1 hour ago, Jski.6180 said:

As for an added effect i would like to see more boons and maybe make thoughts boons aoe on cantrip use. It would be nice to see the reg from cantrips become something that you can use to clear if they keep it as an water trait. Mind you i think cantrips trates should be on the fire line not water and over all utility need to be moved to fit there effect better.

As for armor of earth and mist form 60 sec is ok as long as they up there effects in wvw. AoE needs to pules stab on-top of barrier per boon i would also like to see mist form get back its old aoe 0-1 dmg chill and aoe reg pules.

Added thoughts: Fire should be cantrips, water should be signets, earth should be conja wepons, air should be arcains, arcains should be glyphs. You do not need to comply rework there added effect on use too but the curent atuments do not match there utility.

Cantrips have always been for self utility. It wouldn’t be a cantrips if it gave allies buffs. 

I am fine with cantrips moving to fire if they added the effect I requested, although the regen wouldn’t really fit the theme any longer. Maybe move trade the regen for might and have cantrips remove a condi on use if that’s the case

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Honestly this kinda feels like the 300 sec icd traits once again. The cd reduction on the trait usually makes up for 80%+ of its effect. By simply removing the cd reduction the original trait will end up as complete garbage. I really hope they will add extra some extra effects to these traits. You could literally run all 4 conjure weapons and the conjurer trait would still be the worst trait to pick. On top of that, i dont understand why they remove the cd reduction because they want to make it baseline and then continue to not making it baseline. Not a single conjure skill got a cd reduction and only lightning flash (PvE) and ether renewal got a cd reduction. ER probably is already the most powerful cantrip right now and it gets a cd& channel time buff and LF, AoE, MF don't get any cd reduction? And we're not even talking about the 75 sec count recharge time on twist of faith (i know its a stance, but it kinda feels like a cantrip anyways). 


Apart from that i actually really like the cd reduction traits, it actually shapes your playstyle & build rather then just slotting in all the extra dmge/surviveability traits and call it a day. 


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11 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

Cantrips have always been for self utility. It wouldn’t be a cantrips if it gave allies buffs. 

I am fine with cantrips moving to fire if they added the effect I requested, although the regen wouldn’t really fit the theme any longer. Maybe move trade the regen for might and have cantrips remove a condi on use if that’s the case

I get that but they are on the support line that always confused me. Might vigor would be nice if they where on the fire line. Maybe put signets on water and give them aoe reg and the boon related to that signet on uses.

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