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Pulsing alacrity


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The pulsing alac was definitely a mistake. The long overload channel to get those 4 pulses out feels ... really bad. When I looked at the numbers, you have to do a much faster rotation if you do not want to lose alac uptime. It feels really bad if you are slow. When you are first starting the fight, that pulsing alac is a waste for you since you are just standing there channeling. Some alac is better than no alac I guess on paper, but in real application in getting your rotation down, it's felt like a nerf. It's punishing now if you mess up your rotation or too slow. Even sucks now I cannot start the precast to give out alac before starting a fight

Honestly, I prefer if Anet just revert the change or buff to the duration of alac. I'm very used to the duration + knowing when to pop the overload to give out alac. Or rework overloads to make them feel better and have more fluidity.

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One of my guildies yesterday indicated that there is a bug with the pulsing alac. The theory is that the timer for the pulsing (every 1 sec) is not impacted by quickness, while the timing for the overload is, (normally 4 seconds, but 3 with quickness) so you get less pulses out than intended while you have quickness and provide less alac than you should.


Haven't seen anything about this anywhere yet and haven't been able to test it yet. Can anyone confirm or debunk this?


Edit: I believe this is debunked, see update below.

Edited by SlipLihte.1307
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16 minutes ago, SlipLihte.1307 said:

One of my guildies yesterday indicated that there is a bug with the pulsing alac. The theory is that the timer for the pulsing (every 1 sec) is not impacted by quickness, while the timing for the overload is, (normally 4 seconds, but 3 with quickness) so you get less pulses out than intended while you have quickness and provide less alac than you should.


Haven't seen anything about this anywhere yet and havn't been able to test it yet. Can anyone confirm or debunk this?

It has been mentioned by players, I can't remember exactly where though.

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On 2/22/2023 at 6:26 AM, MarzAttakz.9608 said:

It has been mentioned by players, I can't remember exactly where though.

Tested on the golem with and without quickness , same duration at the end of the OL +- 10 secs in the two cases , which leaves you with 6 secs free to start another overload  ... great gameplay ... this i swhy ele needs sand squall to upkeep that tight timing .

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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On 2/22/2023 at 7:08 AM, SlipLihte.1307 said:

One of my guildies yesterday indicated that there is a bug with the pulsing alac. The theory is that the timer for the pulsing (every 1 sec) is not impacted by quickness, while the timing for the overload is, (normally 4 seconds, but 3 with quickness) so you get less pulses out than intended while you have quickness and provide less alac than you should.


Haven't seen anything about this anywhere yet and haven't been able to test it yet. Can anyone confirm or debunk this?


Edit: I believe this is debunked, see update below.

Having tested this now, I can see no evidence that this is the case. Although my tests were relatively short and simple done with and without quickness for 2 minutes on the golem, overloading only in fire off cooldown, there was no significant difference in boon uptime between the two. In fact, it appeared over those two minutes that with quickness had slightly better boon uptime than without. I believe this is because the overload finishes faster with quickness, starting the cooldown sooner, which allowed me to get another full overload in in the same 2 minute span compared to without. For reference, I had 62% alac uptime without quickness and 65% with.


Again although not entirely scientific and conclusive, this at least gives me comfort that this bug doesn't exist.


See update below, this bug only happens in water and earth attunement

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7 hours ago, Netko.9271 said:

The bug is with earth and water overload. You get one less alacrity tick with them if you have quickness. No change with fire and air. 

I didn't even think of testing that. Why would that happen?


Edit: Tested, and found the same, about a 12% drop in alac time when overloading in earth comparing with quickness to without.

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4 hours ago, SlipLihte.1307 said:

I didn't even think of testing that. Why would that happen?


Edit: Tested, and found the same, about a 12% drop in alac time when overloading in earth comparing with quickness to without.

EDIT: forget a common radius.

Programmatically the only reason I could think of is that each attunement has its own overload method and only fire and air were properly updated.

No idea how much bolognese can be made with their code.

Edited by MarzAttakz.9608
Incorrect assumption
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