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Voice over bug [Merged]

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So, I'm doing living world season 3 and when i go and do something that's apart of the story, (lake doric, by the way) the character voice changes when my character reads dialogue, my character is a male norn, first area i went to, i hear a male slyvari talking, second area i hear a female norn talking and 3rd area, a male human talking, something is not right.

Edited by stuvvo.4753
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Same here, for several chapters from HoT onwards I'm surprised my male human speaks some lines with female human voice, and whats more, in the PoF chapter "Facing the Truth" my human male says with female human voice he's been blessed by kormir, though it is Balthazar the option chosen during character creations, this voice mix and even having some facts wrong is troubling

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I've noticed a slight bug that keeps popping up in the "Facing the Truth" chapter in Path of Fire that involves the dialogue. I have a female human commander, and when she enters the library and meets Kormir, she says "I was blessed by Kormir at birth" when she wasn't (she was blessed by Dwayna). But then other times I've tried to play this story with the same commander, her dialogue switches to the male human dialogue (still saying they were blessed by Kormir, and they weren't), and even sometimes the female Sylvari dialogue? Does anyone else have this issue?

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And it's still around, for different race and gender combinations. When going underwater to the quaggans in Bitterfrost Frontier and talking to the story NPC I think the last speech bubble is wrong. Same with PC comment they make after entering New Loamhurst in Lake Doric. I've seen people talking about the same thing happening in LS4 too. There was also a reddit thread about this not long ago with some other instances of this bug listed.

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At the start, when you speak with Aurene, as a Norn, i had one voice line play in Asura's voice.

The line was:


"Taimi did mention Gorrik. Seemed a little agitated... I'll talk to her."


I don't play any Asura, but that voice was said in Asura's voice actor.

And if that line was supposed to be my character speaking - it got switched.


I don't suppose anyone could check if this happens on their Norn characters as well? It's at the very start, so it shouldn't take long if you want to test it.

The rest doesn't seem affected as far as i can tell, just that line...

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This is happening on any character in a multitude of instances. I have had my female human speak as a male charr, female norn and male human. I have also had my male asura speak as a female norn.  I am pretty sure (not 100%) all of these happened while mounted or in some other vehicle type situation like the above video. Most happened during LW episodes from seasons 3 and 4 (both open world and story instances) but the female human character/male human voice happened during a PoF story mission.

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On 3/6/2023 at 9:23 AM, Veprovina.4876 said:

I don't suppose anyone could check if this happens on their Norn characters as well? It's at the very start, so it shouldn't take long if you want to test it.

The rest doesn't seem affected as far as i can tell, just that line...

I had submitted a bug report in February about this same line. It's just that line in that instance, and through multiple run-throughs on different characters it's like the trigger for that line randomly picks from all possible race+gender lines recorded rather than the correct one for your character.


It's the only specific audio I've noticed in a long while being wrong.

Edited by synk.6907
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I've only been able to get a couple pictures of the nonsense going on, but I can confirm it's pretty much everywhere. I noticed within the actual Personal Story (level 1-80) all the way up to Path of Fire, and I finally Just NOW started getting photo's of it. Now, Keep in mind... This is a SYLVARI FEMALE Character. Sylvari Female , Human Male Balthazar Blessed Dialog , Human Male Kormir Blessed Birth Dialog. I'm pretty sure this is running Rampant. There first photo is of my character as proof that it's a Sylvari Female, and the second are Dialog showing that it's active with THAT character.



Edited to add this: For an account that's 3894 days (The actual GW2 Account)... this is my first time actually posting in the forums because I've had no real need to up until this point, because it's getting rather annoying...

Edited by Fetiqe Bloodmaw.1942
Adding an extra detail to the post.
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