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WvWvW is unfair


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28 minutes ago, Absurd.2947 said:

Contrary to your belief, I have not just transferred to Vabbi, I've been on this server for several months now. I've been on bandwagons and I've played against bandwagons, that's why I'm speaking from experience. 

While you're talking out of your kitten.

But please, go on, justify your servers abyssmal performance based on numbers that account for none of the most cruicial variables. 


BaNwAgOnS aRe KiLlInG mY gAme

A few days ago I wrote that probably WWW has not gotten a series of updates from development over the years because of its players, how they come here on the forum and how they communicate with Anet. Don't take it as a personal criticism because I don't actually know you. but reading your answer I find confirmation in what I hypothesized. The author of this post highlighted something real, which affects the gaming experience and its players, which is called Out-of-control transfers.

I can only hope that your server gets more players for the next week so that we reach a flow of 160,000K+D and my server can go down to 40,000K+D so finally the matches and competition in WWW can take on some sort of meaning for you.

So I too will finally understand that numbers in WWW do not count for anything, that in fact WWW has well-balanced servers, and that out-of-control transfers are absolutely not a problem for anyone.

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On 2/22/2023 at 8:28 PM, Gehenna.3625 said:

Because the more active players you have in your alliance, the less susceptible you'll be to the randomness of the team composition that will make up the sides.

Considering it's going to be the same players under current worlds and new teams, are you implying that TODAY guilds/groups/random players have delibrately spread out over all worlds in order to ensure balanced and fair matchups? Cause otherwise there would be no particular difference.

Hm. Guess Maguuma is working as intended after all.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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competitive modes are unfair by nature, someone winning means someone else is losing, thats the nature of it.


and you win by any means necessary, such is war, you don't get to complain you got caught unawares, or that you get ran over by 50 people, you're simply just dead.


you do what you can when faced with adversity. what little you can take from them at the face of overwhelming disadvatage is something tou can be proud of.


these people just have the means, means to take an overwhelming advantage by pooling huge numbers into a single server, means to plant alts on oposing servers to gather intel and disrupt their players. these among other things.


these means are expected to be policed and moderated by anet to produce a controlled competitive environment for a more balanced competition.


hopefully when alliances comes out we will experience a more even population distribution and playing field.


i'm honestly not expecting alliances to address the whole population issue, but i am hopeful it will make for a better game state.

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5 hours ago, eXruina.4956 said:

competitive modes are unfair by nature, someone winning means someone else is losing, thats the nature of it.


and you win by any means necessary, such is war, you don't get to complain you got caught unawares, or that you get ran over by 50 people, you're simply just dead.


you do what you can when faced with adversity. what little you can take from them at the face of overwhelming disadvatage is something tou can be proud of.


these people just have the means, means to take an overwhelming advantage by pooling huge numbers into a single server, means to plant alts on oposing servers to gather intel and disrupt their players. these among other things.


these means are expected to be policed and moderated by anet to produce a controlled competitive environment for a more balanced competition.


hopefully when alliances comes out we will experience a more even population distribution and playing field.


i'm honestly not expecting alliances to address the whole population issue, but i am hopeful it will make for a better game state.


But is still a difference how this Win was obtained. If you just pay a little money for it.....😏


To compare the game with war, I find honestly stupid. Completely out of place.


The transfer system is completely broken since the linkings and ArenaNet has so far failed to put something intelligent on the legs. I myself am aware that there will always be players who can only reach their goal by manipluation. But that this is still forced by the developer is pretty bad.


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3 hours ago, Burial.1958 said:



The transfer system is completely broken since the linkings and ArenaNet has so far failed to put something intelligent on the legs. I myself am aware that there will always be players who can only reach their goal by manipluation. But that this is still forced by the developer is pretty bad.

Had to scroll this far down to find someone who acknowledges that it's far more the system in place and less so the players. If server linkings were doing what they were supposed to do instead of the obvious cash cow that it is then there'd probably be less of these complaint posts. Lost count of the number of times full T1 servers were getting medium links over and over and over every single relink allowing huge bandwagoning whilst the likes of Gandara/Baruch Bay/Riverside kept getting shafted with no links and dropping to T5. Maybe it fooled people for the first few relinks but it became very obvious after a year what the true purpose of server links were. Population balance indeed; oh and what was the reason for linking different nationality servers together? Ah yes, to prepare for alliances. What better way is there to force those who don't transfer by linking them together with people that they cannot understand? Remember when alliances 2020 was just a meme because nobody thought it would take that long? Cornerstone of the game btw. Don't blame any WvW players for keeping the game mode alive for 11 years on barebones, blame the obvious cash milking system. 

Edited by ImperialWL.7138
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8 hours ago, ImperialWL.7138 said:

Had to scroll this far down to find someone who acknowledges that it's far more the system in place and less so the players. If server linkings were doing what they were supposed to do instead of the obvious cash cow that it is then there'd probably be less of these complaint posts

Don't take it for a complaint post. This post is pointing to one thing (transfers) and is saying that around that thing there is a probable problem out of Anet's control. You are not saying that numbers affect the game or whether veteran players can make a difference either is it a problem of my server or it is a problem of your server etc etc. It is not a complaint to point out something specific to Anet, with the hope of having some sort of dialogue with development.

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21 hours ago, ImperialWL.7138 said:

Had to scroll this far down to find someone who acknowledges that it's far more the system in place and less so the players. If server linkings were doing what they were supposed to do instead of the obvious cash cow that it is then there'd probably be less of these complaint posts. Lost count of the number of times full T1 servers were getting medium links over and over and over every single relink allowing huge bandwagoning whilst the likes of Gandara/Baruch Bay/Riverside kept getting shafted with no links and dropping to T5. Maybe it fooled people for the first few relinks but it became very obvious after a year what the true purpose of server links were. Population balance indeed; oh and what was the reason for linking different nationality servers together? Ah yes, to prepare for alliances. What better way is there to force those who don't transfer by linking them together with people that they cannot understand? Remember when alliances 2020 was just a meme because nobody thought it would take that long? Cornerstone of the game btw. Don't blame any WvW players for keeping the game mode alive for 11 years on barebones, blame the obvious cash milking system. 


Yes, most of the time it's the system behind it, because it really forces the players to trans. But to a certain extent it is also the players -> h omo economicus. Man tends by nature to choose the most rewarding. That's logical. The stupid thing is that Anet has not yet introduced a good system that minimizes this behavior. No, the current system even encourages this, and unfortunately to the detriment of those players who stand by their server.

As is the case in almost all MMOs. This genre simply lives on rewards. That would be a start. If you consider what you get as a 10 year WvWvW player...namely purely nothing. Not even a title, no mount, nothing.  It is simply a vaccum of nothing special.

Edit: Sure there is God of WvW Etc. but there is nothing you get, when you play on your Server since Rls..

Anet should ask themselves these questions. Why should a player play the WvWvW? What can we do to make these players more likely to stay on the server. That's where they should start. Then after that, there's a whole plethora of other stuff.

It's just the question if the developer is still interested in working on such systems. Since RLS there was actually nothing groundbreaking.

In the meantime, I guess we'll have to accept that it's simply a clown show sandbox where you punch each other in the virtual nose for a few hours. I myself play WvW only because of the fights. But many don't and you have to take that into account.

For me, WvW is a vessel without much content at the moment. There is simply nothing apart from fights that motivates you to play this mode. Even PPT makes no sense at all at the moment. The whole thing makes basically 0 sense. There is nothing to win. You just fight pointlessly for hours and THAT is a problem that only ArenaNet can solve at their end. 

I often wonder how it must be for a new player who makes a detour into WvW.  👻

Edited by Burial.1958
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