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suggestion for this condi SB raid tank build


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hello, before anything, yes, i know that chronomancers are the best tanks for raids, however my guild has just started raiding and currently we dont have a chrono to fill that spot so i though i could for the meantime try to fill up the spot with a temporary build with my soulbeast, however im not good making builds, i made this one as a template using condition as the mean of damage and using stance share and dire stats, i was wondering if i could get some suggestions for it?


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It's an interesting idea as a temporary tank. May I ask what encounters your guild is starting on? If you have the healers but not the tank; you should be able to do Cairn, MO, Samarog in wing 4 without needing to re-gear.

Otherwise build thoughts. I think you've got the right idea as far as a tanking Soulbeast. I personally would fiddle with the numbers a bit and then adjust for survival over damage.Things to try:You might have too much toughness, strange as it sounds. You should be able to swap out Dire for Vipers or Carrion on either the armor or the trinkets. Check with your group of course but 1400-1600 toughness should be plenty.Traits I think you're close. I'd only say try Oakheart Salve instead of Taste for Danger. I know you'll do less damage but it'll keep you alive better.For skills, Flame trap is your weakest utility. For Damage, go with Viper's Nest (bonus poison synergy too), for stunbreak go dolyak stance or protect me. You also have just one hard CC so spike trap could be a last resort if your group is struggling.Torch is your damage offhand obvs. As the tank maybe consider swapping shortbow for another offhand? The boss should be on you anyway so you don't need the range. OH Dagger would give you an evade + some lesser conditions and Warhorn is always there if your group needs help with fury and a bit of might.

keep in touch. I'd like to hear how it goes.

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