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Im mad about the siege placement in this game,specifically catas


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On 4/23/2023 at 7:03 AM, Gehenna.3625 said:

What I truly hate and what I would like to see changed is that catas are being used for close range. Aside from it being ridiculous that they can just stand in their own aoe

Why do people only ever apply this logic to catapults, but never to the other siege or players?

Cata's should be affected or take damage from their own aoes? Well then by that logic so should your own players standing in them, same with ac barrages, and treb boulder aoes, or standing in front of ram impacts too, and players shouldn't be able to run through each other either, and their aoes should hit their own allies as well.


Some things you just need to leave as game and not real life mechanics, so you keep trolling to a minimum. Maybe the minimum damage and scaling could be looked at, but getting hit with your own cata aoes just seems unreasonable and would open a can of worms for unpleasant play.

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The thing is that many mechanics have not been updated since the release. 10 years ago it was a totally different situation: the gameplay was slower, there was no sustain like we have it now, the conditions didn't work like nowdays and you didn't have all thoso wvw perks you have.
So back then those sieges worked just fine. But after 10 years and several expansions later ,many mechanics in WvW needs an UPDATE to work in a way that makes sense in the current game.

When you add new things, like shield generators and bubbles on catapults....., you also need to balance everything that was there before and bring it to the same level as well.Because if not, you end up with a gap in terms of functionality, performance and efficiency and so on

Edited by ilMasa.2546
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On 4/28/2023 at 6:26 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

Why do people only ever apply this logic to catapults, but never to the other siege or players?

Cata's should be affected or take damage from their own aoes? Well then by that logic so should your own players standing in them, same with ac barrages, and treb boulder aoes, or standing in front of ram impacts too, and players shouldn't be able to run through each other either, and their aoes should hit their own allies as well.


Some things you just need to leave as game and not real life mechanics, so you keep trolling to a minimum. Maybe the minimum damage and scaling could be looked at, but getting hit with your own cata aoes just seems unreasonable and would open a can of worms for unpleasant play.

Friendly fire across the board would make this a better game.

Or at least more hilarious. 

I'd pay to watch EB zerg fights.

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