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Question to Quick Scrapper & Mechanist


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Hello. I'm just starting to build my Scrapper in two (2) different builds. Mainly:

1. Pure DPS 
2. Quickness DPS Scrapper.

My question is:
1. For Pure DPS build gear set, can I get a 100% crit chance from boons and gearset alone? (without food, banners, etc.)

2. For Quickness build gear set, should I maintain at around 30-35% concentration together with alacrity in order to have 100% quickness uptime?


I also want to ask for fellow Mechanist out there:

1. Do people tend to go with Condition Mech (P/P) as DPS? or Power Rifle is still viable?

2. Do Power Alac still viable in instanced PvE? I mostly see either Condi Mech or Heal Alac with Mace.


Thanks alot! :)

Edited by ArkLightXXVII.4768
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1 hour ago, ArkLightXXVII.4768 said:

1. For Pure DPS build gear set, can I get a 100% crit chance from boons and gearset alone? (without food, banners, etc.)

Yes. You get a lot of crit chance from Firearms, so as long as you see 45% crit chance, with Firearms equipped, you are good to go. Full Berserker puts you at 46-47ish%. No precision food is needed.


1 hour ago, ArkLightXXVII.4768 said:

2. For Quickness build gear set, should I maintain at around 30-35% concentration together with alacrity in order to have 100% quickness uptime?

I think the minimum recommended is around 34%. The more duration you have, the better uptime you'll have on encounters, where people need to move around a lot, you need to split off from the team, or when the alac uptime is a bit spotty. This obviously means you need to get more Diviner pieces, and you'll lose some dps.

I can't comment confidently on Mechanist. I never play it, and barely see it.

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1 hour ago, wasss.1208 said:

Yes. You get a lot of crit chance from Firearms, so as long as you see 45% crit chance, with Firearms equipped, you are good to go. Full Berserker puts you at 46-47ish%. No precision food is needed.

The result would be the same even if I add some Diviner parts instead of Berserkers? 


1 hour ago, wasss.1208 said:

I think the minimum recommended is around 34%. The more duration you have, the better uptime you'll have on encounters, where people need to move around a lot, you need to split off from the team, or when the alac uptime is a bit spotty. This obviously means you need to get more Diviner pieces, and you'll lose some dps.

Do difference of around 30% to 35% is noticeable in boon uptimes? o no?

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13 minutes ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

Nothing to add for Scrapper


As far as Mechanist goes, Condi DPS and Alac Healer Mech are the most effective build for Mechanist. Power rifle works but it is very underwhelming as far as damage goes. 

I see. The damage is not that noticeable compare to Condi Mech.

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For crit chance in general, you reach the cap with Firerams through High Caliber and and Hematic Focus at 45% crit chance, Fury included and conveniently given to you with No Scope.


33-35% boon duration is optimal for damage and quickness uptime so long as you keep firing your gyros on cooldown assuming everything in the encounter goes as planned and that you don't do anything but damage and quickness generation. 

In more realistic situations however you might be more comfortable with 40ish% because some of these gyro skills are valuable by themselves, under the form of strong CC, stunbreak, and AOE revive, and may be needed for that exactly which will require you to hold onto them every once in a while.


Condi Mech is generally the way to go. Power Mech still has its niche with ranged damage and a truckload of CC which can make it valuable in many encounters.

Power Alac Mech is "good", good in the sense that the alac generation is quite reliable especially when using a mace and the CC is there too, but like most of other alac dps builds save maybe Renegade, it's lacking in the damage department. Condi Alac Mech can potentially outdamage the power version on a static target at the cost of CC, mobility and reliability in boon uptimes which... isn't a good trade, especially with 4 kits gameplay.

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4 hours ago, ArkLightXXVII.4768 said:

The result would be the same even if I add some Diviner parts instead of Berserkers? 

Your crit would still be capped, if you add in a few Diviner parts. I'm currently running Diviner helm, chest, leg, and foot, (ascended), and my crit chance is 46,71%, boon duration is 36,46%. With this, I cap crit during combat, and usually have 95%+ quickness uptime on my team, unless something extraordinary happens.


4 hours ago, ArkLightXXVII.4768 said:

Do difference of around 30% to 35% is noticeable in boon uptimes? o no?

I don't think 30% is matematically enough, to give 100% uptime, for your squadmates. When I started using this build, I did run with 40% boon duration, and worked my way down from there, until I reached a point, that I felt comfortable with. I still bring my duration up, when I have to handle mechanics, or when I know that my alac provider is learning a new build. I would recommend overshooting boon duration, because the team having good quickness uptime is always better, than having a miniscule peronal dps gain. If you want to minmax: as far as I know, 34% is the minimum recommended amount.

If you don't have the gear for the build yet, I would recommend something, like this, to learn the builds, and encounters.
This assumes, that you don't have an easy access, to ascended gear yet, so it uses an ascended amulett, and two ascended rings as diviner. As long, as the rest of your accessories, and an another item is ascended, you should still be crit capped, and sit on a comfortable 39,4% boon duration.

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10 hours ago, ArkLightXXVII.4768 said:

1. Do people tend to go with Condition Mech (P/P) as DPS? or Power Rifle is still viable?

2. Do Power Alac still viable in instanced PvE? I mostly see either Condi Mech or Heal Alac with Mace.

Both power and power alac builds are easly viable, condi mech has higher dps "for the price" of higher input required.

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11 hours ago, wasss.1208 said:

Your crit would still be capped, if you add in a few Diviner parts. I'm currently running Diviner helm, chest, leg, and foot, (ascended), and my crit chance is 46,71%, boon duration is 36,46%. With this, I cap crit during combat, and usually have 95%+ quickness uptime on my team, unless something extraordinary happens.


I don't think 30% is matematically enough, to give 100% uptime, for your squadmates. When I started using this build, I did run with 40% boon duration, and worked my way down from there, until I reached a point, that I felt comfortable with. I still bring my duration up, when I have to handle mechanics, or when I know that my alac provider is learning a new build. I would recommend overshooting boon duration, because the team having good quickness uptime is always better, than having a miniscule peronal dps gain. If you want to minmax: as far as I know, 34% is the minimum recommended amount.

If you don't have the gear for the build yet, I would recommend something, like this, to learn the builds, and encounters.
This assumes, that you don't have an easy access, to ascended gear yet, so it uses an ascended amulett, and two ascended rings as diviner. As long, as the rest of your accessories, and an another item is ascended, you should still be crit capped, and sit on a comfortable 39,4% boon duration.

thank you for this. i was looking for some builds like this were I can comfortably use with high boon uptime.


is it okay if I change my elite skill from mortat kit? or is there any dps loss?

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13 hours ago, ArkLightXXVII.4768 said:

is it okay if I change my elite skill from mortat kit? or is there any dps loss?

Replacing it would be a dps loss, but it isn't a huge deal. Especially if you are not used to the kitswapping playstyle yet. It might even lose you dps, if you mess up your rotation by stucking in it. It is recommended, because the other options aren't really good.
I wouldn't recommend using Sneak Gyro during boss fights, because getting stealth sometimes stops the auto attacks of a character, so if you stealth up your group, you might grief them. On the other hand, that happens rarely, and it increases your quickness uptime. And it is pretty comfortable to use, during fractal and dungeon skips, or in open world.

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On 5/1/2023 at 1:31 PM, ArkLightXXVII.4768 said:

I also want to ask for fellow Mechanist out there:

1. Do people tend to go with Condition Mech (P/P) as DPS? or Power Rifle is still viable?

2. Do Power Alac still viable in instanced PvE? I mostly see either Condi Mech or Heal Alac with Mace.


Thanks alot! 🙂


1. I don't know the tendencies of mech mains, but both are viable. Power rifle still gets the job done for your generic instanced pve-content, even for T4 CM. 


P/P Condi mech also have really good condi dps and is an amazing pick to tackle instanced pve-content. Eventhough I'm not a super good player and with 30ms (playing with 240ms), I can still do about 28-33k dps on Sunqua CM depending on the group. 

There is bomb-kit + grenade Condi mech build in SC, and condi Holosmith in which both pull higher dps than Condi mech with P/P. But P/P mech is more practical and still able to pull good dps, and also being less likely to be exposed to carpal-tunnel. 

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On 5/1/2023 at 5:38 AM, MrForz.1953 said:

For crit chance in general, you reach the cap with Firerams through High Caliber and and Hematic Focus at 45% crit chance, Fury included and conveniently given to you with No Scope.


33-35% boon duration is optimal for damage and quickness uptime so long as you keep firing your gyros on cooldown assuming everything in the encounter goes as planned and that you don't do anything but damage and quickness generation. 

In more realistic situations however you might be more comfortable with 40ish% because some of these gyro skills are valuable by themselves, under the form of strong CC, stunbreak, and AOE revive, and may be needed for that exactly which will require you to hold onto them every once in a while.


Condi Mech is generally the way to go. Power Mech still has its niche with ranged damage and a truckload of CC which can make it valuable in many encounters.

Power Alac Mech is "good", good in the sense that the alac generation is quite reliable especially when using a mace and the CC is there too, but like most of other alac dps builds save maybe Renegade, it's lacking in the damage department. Condi Alac Mech can potentially outdamage the power version on a static target at the cost of CC, mobility and reliability in boon uptimes which... isn't a good trade, especially with 4 kits gameplay.

Not a fan of mace pAlac, it can make up for mistakes but due to how the barrier to alac trait works you often don’t get alac from it (1s icd so if you overlap mech barrier pulse or during F3 you don’t get alac).  Rifle gives another 5-10 might and has higher dps.  35% BD and keep your mech on group and Alac should be covered. 

Agree with everything else you said. cAlac Mech is really nice if you learn it but pAlac is going to be better for the majority as a simplified cAlac loses its advantages (Dps and better Might).


edit: wouldn’t complain about mace pAlac just it’s like a 1k+ dps loss and 5-10 might loss for maybe more alac (should be capped without) and vigor/regen.  Kinda nice to have for dodge builds but usually worse.

Edited by Jerus.4350
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