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turn some damage multiplier into actual ways of damaging the enemy please


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idk why warrior is only allowed to damage with enemy with weapon skills

and every utilities/traits have turned into boring damage modifiers


berserker condi line is probably the one thing warrior has that provides an interesting new way to apply damage and not simply straight-up increase burning damage.


like apply an AoE shock wave that damages nearby enemies when you disable a foe/on a defiant target instead of just over-stacking in damage modifiers on disabled enemies.

get rid of kick and throw bolas, and give some actual real physical skills that damage the enemy.

give damage back to berserk button

give damage on weapon swap like song of the mist on legend swap

or a trait that allows weakness to do condition damage

or turn burst skill into ammo skill


or have burst mastery apply unique buff to each different burst skill like song of the mist to each unique legend swap,

like flurry would apply additional condition,

or kill shoot reduce cast time,

reduce longbow fire field's iCD for burning

mace f1 apply supportive boons around you like protection/resolution/barrier


and not just straight-up give strike damage modifier to all burst skills.


same for weapon swap, may not just simply be strike damage on weapon swap like i suggested above, maybe apply unique effect as well depends on what weapon you swap to.

if they can make 7 unique legend effect, they can make for 8 unique main weapon type,

on weapon swap, axe apply self quickness, sword apply aoe bleed, mace apply barrier or self heal, longbow apply blind, hammer apply aoe weakness, dagger remove one boon aoe, etc.


etc. warrior needs more fun ways to deal damage.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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Yea warr Just lacks in unique Things. Stuff only this class could do. Back then this would have been hard dmg on ccs but since they removed every dmg from cc's back then and only bring them back on Hammer and Mace it does feel highly unrewarding to hit them anyways. Not only this but also besides Hammer, GS, Dagger (Maybe also longbow) all warrior burst skills feel too unrewarding cause of too hard nerfed or simply Not good since Release and never reworked in that case.


Edited by Myror.7521
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On 5/12/2023 at 4:00 PM, Myror.7521 said:

Stuff only this class could do. Back then this would have been hard dmg on ccs

the dreaded feb 2020 patch, judgement day, not just on cc's, they gutted the damage output profession wide, used to be the case warrior did damage and did it very well, it somehow gave warrant to all the shortcomings they slapped onto the class, the shortcomings they called "gameplay".


they left warrior in an unplayable state for a few years after that, only seeing 2 decent and impactful patches last october and february. and the person responsible for one of the destructive patches that put warrior in an unplayable gamestate, feb 2020, is leading the current balance team.


i don't really know if he was truly singlehandedly responsible for all that. but all i know is that warrior has seen lack of development, lacking in roles, lacking in boons, and many other things, and left mostly neglected, even before the feb 2020 patch that ultimately neutered warrior. but he did put the nail on the coffin.


the banner changes they pushed out together with the leaks from june last year pretty much confirmed what many were speculating was really going on.


it is what it is. so again i advise the people who intend to main and invest in warrior, do think twice. and if its what you really want, this will at least explain and prepare you for the odds you will be facing.

Edited by eXruina.4956
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On 5/11/2023 at 11:59 PM, Lighter.5631 said:

berserker condi line is probably the one thing warrior has that provides an interesting new way to apply damage and not simply straight-up increase burning damage.

Ehhh...not really. The berserker tree pretty much does maximize burning. As bad as it is, Arms has a better claim to the condi line than Berserker does. Arms gives you access to bleeds, vulnerability and expertise. Berserker does not.

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4 hours ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

Ehhh...not really. The berserker tree pretty much does maximize burning. As bad as it is, Arms has a better claim to the condi line than Berserker does. Arms gives you access to bleeds, vulnerability and expertise. Berserker does not.

i mean in a way that lets you apply burning through exploding fire aura and lets you apply damage via utility skills are new interesting ways of gameplay.

not saying is a good way, but at least is a way that differentiates itself from core warrior condition gameplay.

which is what elite specs and warrior need.

and arms is simply number buffs through and through, which is simply boring, go look at condition lines of other classes, they can make interesting traits that expand gameplay, but not so much in the case of arms line.

you can argue that arms is base warrior condition gameplay, which some people may find fun.

yes, but at least make elite specs condition gameplay different, and berserker did just that with it's condition line, which is why i said that line which you quoted.

"berserker condi line is probably the one thing warrior has that provides an interesting new way to apply damage and not simply straight-up increase burning damage."

yes it maximizes burning damage, but in a way that's not simply "increase burning damage by 33%", "increase condition damage" etc. unlike most of every other warrior-related talent.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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They caught so many flavors of warrior in vindicator/willbender/holosmith/reaper etc, with those crazy melee actions.

but warrior as THE warrior class simply feels not warrior'ing enough anymore.

expand the gameplay please, and emphasize weapon master.

apply different boons upon swap to different weapons etc.

you have rev trait that gains different effect up on swapping to different legend

you have engi trait that gives different effect upon swapping to different tool kit.

why can't it be the same for warrior weapon, as weapon master. why burst mastery only apply a general strike damage multiplier even on condition weapon.

why the only trait that is related to weapon swap is to give 2 might..

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7 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:

They caught so many flavors of warrior in vindicator/willbender/holosmith/reaper etc, with those crazy melee actions.

but warrior as THE warrior class simply feels not warrior'ing enough anymore.

expand the gameplay please, and emphasize weapon master.

apply different boons upon swap to different weapons etc.

you have rev trait that gains different effect up on swapping to different legend

you have engi trait that gives different effect upon swapping to different tool kit.

why can't it be the same for warrior weapon, as weapon master. why burst mastery only apply a general strike damage multiplier even on condition weapon.

why the only trait that is related to weapon swap is to give 2 might..

Speaking of being a weapon master, I always thought it would be interesting if Warrior could wield three weapon sets at a time and swap between them like attunements/legends, but I imagine this would never happen as coding an extra weapon set would probably take alot of backend work.


It would really give Warrior something "unique" that would set it apart from the crowd.

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Hmm it would be interesting if we could have a way to duel wield two 2handed weapons in one weapon set at once🤔 granted that would probably be hard to balance or vice versa with a 2 handed with a one handed weapon in one weapon set and have a additional one to swap to. This way warrior can gain access in theory to having more weapons to utilize at once as a weaponmaster perhaps. While still maintaining 2 total weapon slot categories that can hold 2 weapons at once in each set . But again this may not be easy to adjust.

Edited by prototypedragon.1406
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7 hours ago, eXruina.4956 said:

@Lighter.5631   Rytlock was way ahead of his time, he knew what was up, we should've taken it as a cue way back as far as Heart of Thorns. 🤣

well i did main rev for the entirety of HoT and holo for PoF, did all my raid on holo and did all my fractal cm on renegade, normally i'd main willbender now, but i just hate blue so much and cmc actually doing decently right now trying to fix warrior's core flaw.


but anyway, speaking of willbender, warrior can not out trade willbender in melee, which is quite funny. willbender truly is THE class that needs to and can constantly be in your face dealing damage. it used to be warrior,

but warrior can only play to keep out of it's melee range.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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53 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

cmc actually doing decently right now trying to fix warrior's core flaw.

i see, that's good to know, i do hope he succeeds.👍


and i agree he's been doing a great job, and the balance team has pushed out some great changes for warrior since october last year.

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22 minutes ago, eXruina.4956 said:

i see, that's good to know, i do hope he succeeds.👍


and i agree he's been doing a great job, and the balance team has pushed out some great changes for warrior since october last year.

yea, the fixes Warrior got from the last 1 year have been more helpful than what Warrior got in 7 years previous to this.

like finally, some kitten diversity that is not just spamming axe skills and banners, even in pvp, finally not just some variation of gs/shield.

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21 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

the last 1 year have been more helpful than what Warrior got in 7 years previous to this.

its just been oct and feb actually, but yes they've done a lot, i'm looking forward to what they're going to push out this coming june.


there's still too many things wrong and lacking with warrior, i just hope they keep it up until warrior is up to standard.

Edited by eXruina.4956
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