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best build for 1vs1 duelist From Necromancer or Reaper


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To summarize, I would like to be able to put together a build of Necromancer or Reaper, whichever is the best in a 1Vs1 fight or duel. If anyone knows of any build of this class, which is for duels, I would be very grateful.


Edited by ReyXD.2785
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Im kind of a soloq ranked troll rather than tryhard, so I often play a bit offmeta and push 1v1s, instead of rellying on the random teamfight.

Usually the meta necro builds are glass canons,  RELLYING on a dedicated support, and 3v3 NODE NOT ROAMING fights for necro to shine. The math is simple, deal pressure, make enemy blows CDs, and hopefully they die before you do. No retreat, no outrotate to other 2 nodes plan B.

So if you fully commit to "sidenode" necro, you can actually go a lot less glassy AND AOE heavy. Some principles:

- you dont need marauder, you can take paladins amulet

- your main DMG pressure comes from corrupts, make then reliable and low CD

- you NEED 2x stunbreaks, even 3x sometimes wouldnt be enough

- you DONT NEED staff, youre not kiting and it doesnt pressure 1x target enough

- you NEED BLIND CLEARS , some FAST and reliable autoatack to not get stunlocked for 5s by a single blind, since the best necro defense is counteroffense

- prepare to have 30s-1min+ fights, you will never oneshot win in 10s.... and pray you dont get +1ed 🙂

Some examples:




You can reach low plat with these, for higher you kinda have to nitpick and specifically counterbuild the current enemy sidenoder build. And again pray you dont get +1ed cz nothing will save you. gl

Edited by Flumek.9043
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  • 1 year later...
On 5/19/2023 at 4:42 AM, Flumek.9043 said:

Im kind of a soloq ranked troll rather than tryhard, so I often play a bit offmeta and push 1v1s, instead of rellying on the random teamfight.

Usually the meta necro builds are glass canons,  RELLYING on a dedicated support, and 3v3 NODE NOT ROAMING fights for necro to shine. The math is simple, deal pressure, make enemy blows CDs, and hopefully they die before you do. No retreat, no outrotate to other 2 nodes plan B.

So if you fully commit to "sidenode" necro, you can actually go a lot less glassy AND AOE heavy. Some principles:

- you dont need marauder, you can take paladins amulet

- your main DMG pressure comes from corrupts, make then reliable and low CD

- you NEED 2x stunbreaks, even 3x sometimes wouldnt be enough

- you DONT NEED staff, youre not kiting and it doesnt pressure 1x target enough

- you NEED BLIND CLEARS , some FAST and reliable autoatack to not get stunlocked for 5s by a single blind, since the best necro defense is counteroffense

- prepare to have 30s-1min+ fights, you will never oneshot win in 10s.... and pray you dont get +1ed 🙂

Some examples:




You can reach low plat with these, for higher you kinda have to nitpick and specifically counterbuild the current enemy sidenoder build. And again pray you dont get +1ed cz nothing will save you. gl

Do you think scourge would work on this? I think since you are going for a side node and people will be forced to sit on node fighting you, all the shades are going to land. Although loses shroud "2nd hp bar" in favor of barriers

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