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Cooldown of Mending reduced from 20 to 16 in PvE only? Typo?


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I assume they must have meant PvP/WvW only right? Mending already has a cooldown of 15 in PvE. If they don't reduce the cooldown of Mending in PvP/WvW as compensation it would be yet another nail in the coffin of any builds trying to utilize Strength. One of the best reasons to take the Strength tree was the lower cooldown of Mending.

I'm sorry, but this whole patch feels really pointless and poorly thought out... times like these push me closer to quitting the game.

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13 minutes ago, Girth.9731 said:

I assume they must have meant PvP/WvW only right? Mending already has a cooldown of 15 in PvE. If they don't reduce the cooldown of Mending in PvP/WvW as compensation it would be yet another nail in the coffin of any builds trying to utilize Strength. One of the best reasons to take the Strength tree was the lower cooldown of Mending

I thought the same thing; I hope they meant that they are lowering it in PvP/wvw to 16s, but I'm not holding my breath 

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2 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

I thought the same thing; I hope they meant that they are lowering it in PvP/wvw to 16s, but I'm not holding my breath 

Same. It wouldn't be a balance patch if Core Warrior wasn't inadvertently nerfed by poorly thought out changes.

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This seems like an unfortunate nerf to strength spellbreaker and core strength/tactics when those builds were already on life support. I guess they didn't want every build to have lower cd mending, but it'd be nice if they at least buffed restorative strength or something to compensate.

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4 hours ago, Torq.4926 said:

This seems like an unfortunate nerf to strength spellbreaker and core strength/tactics when those builds were already on life support. I guess they didn't want every build to have lower cd mending, but it'd be nice if they at least buffed restorative strength or something to compensate.

Yeah, I'm just hoping it was a typo considering Mending already has a cooldown 15 in PvE. Tbh if they accidently nerf every build that uses Strength because of a simple oversight, it might push me over the edge of quitting this game. I'm so tired of them unintentionally nerfing mediocre builds because of haphazard balance changes.

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7 minutes ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

That would be way too OP lol. Mending is already the best heal in the game, pvp wise.

It already has a cooldown of 16 if you take the Strength tree. You understand taking that away will further kill all of the Strength-based builds right? What if I don't want to play X/Defense/Discipline? With this terrible update I will be forced to. Or, more realistically, I'll just quit the game.

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2 hours ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

That would be way too OP lol. Mending is already the best heal in the game, pvp wise.

Maybe? It's not OP currently when you take Strength. Defense SpB is no longer meta, and neither is any form of berserker or core build. So...it probably wouldn't break the game to make it 16s baseline. I mean, Reaper gets a 16s heal skill on top of double health bars (with massive built in damage reduction)...

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