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Good job Anet, you killed us, your red-headed step kids, scourge


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Fuming! The only way to describe the reaction to this mess.

ANET's balance guidelines:  "lets just throw stuff in a blender and see what happens".. seriously, the joke that ANET has no idea how to balance is no a joke anymore.

The scourge's soon to be stripped abilities in exchange for alacrity is a travesty and not worth it. Whatever made scourge unique is dead, why would any one play this thing now? Oh yeah, alacrity... 😛 big deal. This is a BAD BAD patch.. what did you guys do? Buff Reaper first to soften the blow then murder scourge?

DONT DO THIS ANET!!  Raising players from the dead is what scourge is about, but now you killed it!  And the healing/raising scourge did was ok at best but now, gone, poof, killed, stomped...

I never asked for alacrity and I'm not the only one... and if this is the price to other players wish list for this, NO!!  Its obvious that ANET doesn't care for necromancers and only throws us a bone once in a while.. like buffing us back up to kinda where we were years ago?

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I asked for alacrity and the possibility for heal scourge to be a viable team comp and not an emergency wheel.


Im happy to sacrifice rez potential that isn't even used in most groups, for alac tho I expext them to make tweaks in future balance to it as its definitely a bit off the mark

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21 hours ago, Rin.6587 said:

Raising players from the dead is what scourge is about, but now you killed it!  And the healing/raising scourge did was ok at best but now, gone, poof, killed, stomped

It was his niche, one could argue how broken or not it was but the fact they will murder it and we're getting the Walmart version of HAM in return is just plain weird. Also i still can't get over how they're making shades, the core mechanic of this spec, horrible and unfun. Just why 😫

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1 minute ago, Parpage.9867 said:

It was his niche, one could argue how broken or not it was but the fact they will murder it and we're getting the Walmart version of HAM in return is just plain weird. Also i still can't get over how they're making shades, the core mechanic of this spec, horrible and unfun. Just why 😫

But shades were part of the core mechanic?

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If their implementation goes through, scourge is going to be dead in the water.

- subpar healer

- nerfed barrier

- no dps worth speaking of when using a healscourge.

My guess is that most necro's will simply play the pure dps Reaper since no one in their right mind would accept a scourge in their group, no matter the content, since they don't bring anything worthwhile to the table anymore. While Hsg's were awesome for their rezzes and putting up barriers (think fractal carries...for example), they now are made obsolete. 

There are better sources of alac, better sources of healing and way better sources of dps. Whoever thought this up doesn't know what a scourge is all about or never actually played one. Back to the drawing table boys, cause you messed up. Big time.

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ANet, hello, your community is in touch. Have you fired a DEV guy who liked scourge? Or have you hired a person who hates scourge? I always want to see how I play after the next patch. FROM YOU, DEVELOPERS. Not the communities that test more than you. FROM YOU. YOU MUST SHOW ME HOW TO PLAY IN YOUR GAME. Because it seems that none of your team understands how it works at all.

Advice for you, ANet. Good companies listen to their community. If you don't listen before you launch THIS... patch, then prepare for the consequences. Although... You're not listening, are you? It's all an illusion that you generally care about the opinion of your players.

I am disappointed in you, ANet.
Blizzard once made the same mistakes. Look where they are now. You are next.

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It's actually not that bad.

Dps: it's bad that shades only last 8 seconds. Means less cleave and less damage: since we aren't able to maintain 3 shades we will loose out on 150 expertise 

Heal scourge: basically lost it's niche to make it more mainstream. I expect this to be the weakest healer in the game. Together with specter?

Some kind of hybrid build: probably the go to build. 

But since we dont really have any numbers it's really hard to give good constructive feedback.

We can only give feedback based on assumptions and what someone heard. For example the feed from corruption change that someone in another thread said is going to be master tier, but gives barrier un boon remove instead of boons.

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