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Necromancer and survival

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so, after years of playing Necromancer/Reaper, I have finally realized the real reason why Death/Reaper Shroud is useless as a survival tool.

it's true that we have more health than any other profession, and we take less damage while in Shroud. However, it becomes pointless when fighting against a group larger than one.

nevertheless, I have come to realize that the real problem is not solely the damage we take but the fact that, unlike invulnerability/blocks/evades, leaps, and stealth, we are still vulnerable to crowd control (CC).

every time I have to defend a camp or a tower, all I see is a bunch of useless NPCs doing literally nothing to the enemy. However, when I'm the one attacking, I am stunned, pulled, and blinded mercilessly by the same NPCs. Obviously, any other profession can easily ignore those NPCs and focus on me since they can spam blocks and invulnerability, denying both damage and CC. Moreover, they also have access to Stability, which makes all CC even more pointless.

meanwhile, when I activate Shroud, what happens? I still take damage and can be perma-stunned easily. The only sources of Stability I have are pathetic, and no amount of damage reduction is going to save me if I'm constantly stunned, immobilized, knocked down, or blinded throughout the entire fight.

a few years ago, we had the "Foot in the Grave" trait, and I have no idea why it was removed. That trait really helped to balance things out. Could you please consider bringing back that trait or introducing something to help us deal with the constant onslaught of stuns?

what if boon corruption could be transformed into boon stealth? It seems apparent that boon corruption isn't favored, but since boons are highly valued, this suggestion could be a win-win *wink* *wink*.

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17 minutes ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

so, after years of playing Necromancer/Reaper, I have finally realized the real reason why Death/Reaper Shroud is useless as a survival tool.

it's true that we have more health than any other profession, and we take less damage while in Shroud. However, it becomes pointless when fighting against a group larger than one.

nevertheless, I have come to realize that the real problem is not solely the damage we take but the fact that, unlike invulnerability/blocks/evades, leaps, and stealth, we are still vulnerable to crowd control (CC).

every time I have to defend a camp or a tower, all I see is a bunch of useless NPCs doing literally nothing to the enemy. However, when I'm the one attacking, I am stunned, pulled, and blinded mercilessly by the same NPCs. Obviously, any other profession can easily ignore those NPCs and focus on me since they can spam blocks and invulnerability, denying both damage and CC. Moreover, they also have access to Stability, which makes all CC even more pointless.

meanwhile, when I activate Shroud, what happens? I still take damage and can be perma-stunned easily. The only sources of Stability I have are pathetic, and no amount of damage reduction is going to save me if I'm constantly stunned, immobilized, knocked down, or blinded throughout the entire fight.

a few years ago, we had the "Foot in the Grave" trait, and I have no idea why it was removed. That trait really helped to balance things out. Could you please consider bringing back that trait or introducing something to help us deal with the constant onslaught of stuns?

what if boon corruption could be transformed into boon stealth? It seems apparent that boon corruption isn't favored, but since boons are highly valued, this suggestion could be a win-win *wink* *wink*.


You forgot to mention that damage went up so as damage goes up effectiveness goes way down and back in the past damage wasn't as high plus mobility plus invnulns etc in the past people couldn't boonspam as hard as they can. The more damage a player does the less useful shroud becomes.

Thats why necromacners need to be babysat 24/7

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I've been saying this for years.

Necro has way too many weaknesses to be justified by boon corruption and second health bar. And they are even nerfing boon corruption.

-Very little access to boons. No stability. No Vigor. No Resistance.

-Very little mobility. Necro is the slowest class in the game. It has zero mobility skills on its weapons.

-Poor sustain. Very little ways to heal your primary health. Also, tied to being offensive making it susceptible to counterpressure. And no, life force generation is not "sustain". It is maintaining your active defenses mana pool. Something other classes dont need to worry about.

-Very weak against ranged. Exacerbated by the lack of mobility. CPC is the only way to defend against ranged attacks. And the utility bar is usually tied up with Spectral Walk and Flesh Wurm.

All classes need strengths and weaknesses. Unfortunately, Necro's strengths have been eroded over the years while its weaknesses have been amplified. Leading to Necro being unable to solo effectively.

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2 minutes ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

I go in first, drop plaque lands and hope that shroud and parasitic contagion keep me alive until enemies die. Can't really move because no stab. Works sometimes.

It works much better if you simply prepare fleshwurm for escape, drop the plaguelands then wurm your way out.
Especially since parasitic contagion does not heal through shroud:/


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