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ANET listen to me suggestion for alac mirage


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58 minutes ago, Valfore.8416 said:

thats literally what i was trying to say the whole time

Yes, that’s why I mentioned you and hope this can give people some chance to read again what you said if they missed the point.

1 hour ago, Valfore.8416 said:

then move what i suggested "mirror weapon" to the major grandmaster trait (while making axe cooldown universal)

I do not like the idea of mirror weapon though, unless you would also add some extra skills on top when this is equipped because I hate doubling the same weapon. This game gives us 2 weapons for a lot of reasons and double staves or double axes just take those away. Giving alacrity to staff and buff it to the roof so that even crippling ourselves by losing another set of weapon skills can still have advantages is the beginning of Mirage curse I would say. I hope we can end this for good and start properly balancing between all the weapons. It makes 0 sense that Mirage staff is so much stronger than Mirage scepter.

The rest of your suggestions are not too exciting for me but they’re fine. That’s another proof that there are so many easy ways to fix it, if a bigger rework is not on the table. Heck. Their broken “fixes” even took more work for no good reasons.

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1 hour ago, godfat.2604 said:

Yes, that’s why I mentioned you and hope this can give people some chance to read again what you said if they missed the point.

I do not like the idea of mirror weapon though, unless you would also add some extra skills on top when this is equipped because I hate doubling the same weapon. This game gives us 2 weapons for a lot of reasons and double staves or double axes just take those away.

well you don't have to equip two axes. Im saying you can just equip one on one weapon set and then just equip only an offhand on the other weapon set cause when you press switch weapon set it's the same weapon on the main hand.

Or we can suggest to have infinite horizon move to minor grandmaster then add the current minor grandmaster (quickening sand) as part of the minor adept. then IH new passive is now clones now have 1 copy of each boon on you for the duration of mirage cloak when you gain mirage cloak. so now clones have quickness if you have quickness which means better dps and the 1 stack of might. Then change dune cloak to where it increases each self pumped-out boon's by duration by 1 second when the mirage cloak ends but increase it by 2 seconds if the sand shard hits an enemy. then also reverting the alac on staff to mesmer themselves and not tie it to clones while lowering the clone's dps just a little on axe clones cause if they gain 1 stack of might they gain a dmg increase. this will incentivize them to take IH cause they will lose out on dmg while support will take dune cloak and their dps doesn't drop at all.

Edited by Valfore.8416
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20 minutes ago, Valfore.8416 said:

then IH new passive is now clones now have 1 copy of each boon on you for the duration of mirage cloak when you gain mirage cloak. so now clones have quickness if you have quickness which means better dps and the 1 stack of might.

I like this. This should make the DPS more consistent that allies applying random boons on our clones will affect less.

32 minutes ago, Valfore.8416 said:

Then change dune cloak to where it increases each self pumped-out boon's by duration by 1 second when the mirage cloak ends but increase it by 2 seconds if the sand shard hits an enemy.

I would want to keep the boon steal and apply the stolen boons to nearby allies as well. This will not make much difference in PvE but in competitive modes this can add interesting play. If it’s too strong again numbers can be tweaked, like gain reduced durations.

36 minutes ago, Valfore.8416 said:

then also reverting the alac on staff to mesmer themselves and not tie it to clones

I’ll prefer we remove alacrity from the staff so other weapons can have a chance. If that’s too much work I am ok if we just revert first.

I don’t expect they would do anything though. The upcoming patch was supposed to fix all those… They’re probably not convinced it’s a problem to begin with obviously.

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3 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Wouldn't that just be giving them what they want? Better to stop buying gems.

Yes but also no.
You can't hide that people stop playing a class, especially if it's a known boycott.

Perhaps that's what we should do, organise a boycott of the entire class as much as we can reasonably get friends to do.

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2 hours ago, godfat.2604 said:

I would want to keep the boon steal and apply the stolen boons to nearby allies as well. This will not make much difference in PvE but in competitive modes this can add interesting play. If it’s too strong again numbers can be tweaked, like gain reduced durations.

I’ll prefer we remove alacrity from the staff so other weapons can have a chance. If that’s too much work I am ok if we just revert first.

I would be so down for the boon rip too cause some boss fights like vale guardian would benefit so much from this.

As for the alacrity off staff. The that would be awesome as well I just a little bias cause I purposely crafted Aurene insight for this build not too long ago so it would be sad if like scepter became the new meta 😂. But it would better if they keep the alac on staff cause then theres a possibility if they make alac on staff like 1.5 seconds so it would be boosted to 2.5 seconds with dune cloak and 3.5 if the sand shard hits an enemy (not including the chaos trait line buff). So that way staxe build can exist but super weak on either dmg (due to some axe nerf where they need boons for the new IH) or weak on boon applications. But if they take it off staff yes it would be nice for other weapons to shine but could make a new variation of staxe where it’s just axe and does pretty decent dmg and does great boon applications? Or even better could add some of what i suggested at first give a boon based on what main hand weapon is equipped when mirage cloak ends. Alac is on staff, vigor on axe, regen on scepter, 3 might on sword, fury on great sword. That way we can still provide alac before combat as well during transition phase of boss fights.

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6 hours ago, godfat.2604 said:

You don’t have to. Add traits that add more damage (on ambush or not), competing with other traits that add supports (on ambush or not). Keep in mind that all numbers can be tweaked.

This is sorta the rework I was mentioning, that we change what ambush does and one important thing you’re probably missing here is, support also needs to have DPS that Valfore keeps talking about. There are two kinds of support, one does still need to have good DPS, and the other should be able to heal. Mesmer in general can’t heal, thus to support it also needs to provide good DPS, which you’re going to miss a lot by lacking Infinite Horizon unless you’re also adding a ton of DPS on the support trait you’re adding to compete with Infinite Horizon. I am not really against this but it’ll be odd and it’ll also lose the iconic Infinite Horizon which makes it less feeling like a Mirage.

People that actually care about the Mirages DPS use Axe.

The Mirrored Axe trait is a great place to control how much damage the DPS version of the Mirage itself does.

So the AlacDPS Mirage would likely be using Mirrored Axes and the Alac support GM trait. The numbers would be able to be tweaked for it to be decent offensive support.

The Infinite Horizon trait would be able to add enough Clone DPS for axe Mirages to compete with the dedicated DPS classes.

Staff is intrinsically more of a defensive weapon and support weapon. So if you bring the Alac GM trait with Staff then they should be able to provide whatever is needed to be considered a good Defensive Support class. 

Staff with Infinite Horizons would let you control what the Clone Vortex will do. This may be just add a bunch of condi stacks so the staff Mirage can still do DPS without providing Alac. Or just providing other uses.


The best part of this though is you can get Mirage Cloak without having a target so the Mirage could provide Alac before the fight starts.

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1 hour ago, apharma.3741 said:

Yes but also no.
You can't hide that people stop playing a class, especially if it's a known boycott.

Perhaps that's what we should do, organise a boycott of the entire class as much as we can reasonably get friends to do.

I cant do that. All my friends stopped playing mesmer already.
Heck I have a friend that had all 9 classes and he deleted mesmer to make another necro XD

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1 hour ago, apharma.3741 said:

Yes but also no.
You can't hide that people stop playing a class, especially if it's a known boycott.

Perhaps that's what we should do, organise a boycott of the entire class as much as we can reasonably get friends to do.

Idk, as long as someone plays Anet's not going to notice. And again, CMC would be happiest if no one played mesmer.


I once had an idea to organize a similar thing, gather all mesmers in LA, then all do /playdead or /sleep if they don't have playdead emote. Kind of a protest.


But i don't know how i would organize it. And if people would come. After all, everyone's pretty happy with us being a dead profession.

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@apharma.3741 @Veprovina.4876

To fully boycott Mesmer in game is unrealistic unfortunately, even if it does make a statement for sure.

First problem is that there's players like myself who only have one mesmer toon and don't enjoy any other classes at all (believe me, I've already tried). That means that I have to boycott the game as a whole, and Im not that black & white, since Gw2 has plenty of great aspects to it aswell, which makes it hard for me personally to just want to quit it.

Second, we who are active on the forums are still only a minor % of all who plays the game, how would we get everybody else wanting to boycott their mesmer toons?

Third, many mesmer mainers has already left this game a long time ago, which didnt even make Anet sweat a tiny drop of sweat... they just don't care. 

Stop buying gems is unrealistic aswell, cuz this game is already full of people who buys lots of gems. Some we see write on the forums, many we don't see at all. So it wouldnt make any difference for Anet if some mesmers stops buying gems. You should rather decide for yourself if they are worthy your money or not, which is an important question for your own wallet.

Hate to be this cynical, but nothing helps when it comes to mesmers and Anet. This charade will go on as long as balance team doesnt get a big change to it, both in terms of how they work and which people shall be a part/not be a part of the team.

Edited by AshkyLicious.4729
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33 minutes ago, AshkyLicious.4729 said:

@apharma.3741 @Veprovina.4876

To fully boycott Mesmer in game is unrealistic unfortunately, even if it does make a statement for sure.

First problem is that there's players like myself who only have one mesmer toon and don't enjoy any other classes at all (believe me, I've already tried). That means that I have to boycott the game as a whole, and Im not that black & white, since Gw2 has plenty of great aspects to it aswell, which makes it hard for me personally to just want to quit it.

Second, we who are active on the forums are still only a minor % of all who plays the game, how would we get everybody else wanting to boycott their mesmer mains?

Third, many mesmer mainers has already left this game a long time ago, which didnt even make Anet sweat a tiny drop of sweat... they just don't care. 

Stop buying gems is unrealistic aswell, cuz this game is already full of people who buys lots of gems. Some we see write on the forums, many we don't see at all. So some mesmers stops buying gems doesn't make any difference for Anet anyways. You just rather decide for yourself if they are worthy your money or not, which is an importan question for your own wallet.

Hate to be this cynical, but nothing helps when it comes to mesmers and Anet, as long as balance team doesnt get a big change to it, both in how they work and which people should be a part of that team.

lil bros think its twitter and they try to cancel devs xd
🤡M🤡 wont change, mesmer will be kitten, if you dont like it move on.
im in here for the memes

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8 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Idk, as long as someone plays Anet's not going to notice. And again, CMC would be happiest if no one played mesmer.


I once had an idea to organize a similar thing, gather all mesmers in LA, then all do /playdead or /sleep if they don't have playdead emote. Kind of a protest.


But i don't know how i would organize it. And if people would come. After all, everyone's pretty happy with us being a dead profession.

The thing is, even PvP players who don't like mesmer are starting to see this is getting really weird in the constant nerfs: 

A message does need to be sent where ANet are listening. If they won't listen on the forums you need to take it somewhere they can't ignore.

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30 minutes ago, apharma.3741 said:

The thing is, even PvP players who don't like mesmer are starting to see this is getting really weird in the constant nerfs: 

Wow, you know it's bad when even ele players are complaining! How does someone be so bad at their job and still do it...

31 minutes ago, apharma.3741 said:

A message does need to be sent where ANet are listening. If they won't listen on the forums you need to take it somewhere they can't ignore.

I agree, but what can we do?

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1 hour ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Wow, you know it's bad when even ele players are complaining! How does someone be so bad at their job and still do it...

I agree, but what can we do?

Leave the game or stop playing mesmer, get others to do the same and collect them in one place saying what they did and why.

Could be a forum post but a reddit post might be better once the 3rd party mess is fixed. You get 200+ people saying "I stopped playing mesmer because it has fewer viable build options and keeps getting nerfed in the wrong ways" and people will listen. At the very least it can get some bad press depending on response.
Oh and it's not just PvP they're messing up, most people in WvW are tired of boon spam and they literally just buffed it and nerfed it's counter.


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