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State of Quickness Providing


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animation-locking is unwelcome.

what locking you up? like i said if you press weapon swap, while your acid bomb, skill will go up, while you will jump in place, insted of catapulting you far away

if you mean qdps hammer 3, you can use it while evrythink is on cd, like 5+2->gyros->3

same hammer 3 got buffed dps wise some patchs ago, it's worth to use it, as it's twice dmg then your whole auto chain (it got 3.6 power multiplicator)


Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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On 6/27/2023 at 12:00 PM, Malus.2184 said:

Scrapper is no longer viable unless you use a hammer. This invalidates using other weapons at all and kits are only usable in a small window. This change will make Heal Scrapper unviable in all content since they have to animation lock themselves to provide Quickness, which is something you'd never your healer to do as it discludes them from making clutch uses of skills to save people since the kits they use provides no Blast Finishers.

Meanwhile, Heralds can give out Quickness just by existing. A Herald with just 39% Boon Duration applies Quickness every 3-sec with a 4-sec duration and STILL has enough energy left to maintain a rotation before switching to another Legend and if the Legend is Assassin they can just use Impossible Odds to satisfy the Upkeep requirement and continue giving Quickness since with the Spirit Boon Shiro gives Might to nearby Allies and since that's a Boon people get healing and Quickness.

I can see the intent of these changes and the execution leaves a lot to be desired because they're as balanced as a hippo on a seesaw and have some, I can only hope, unintended consequences since the change to Scrapper makes them seriously unviable as a Quickness provider since they can only effectively do this while already in combat and any sort of non-DPS Scrapper automatically disqualifies themself.

Yea I've been trying quick scrapper in fractals I can't keep up quickness at all because there is a internal cooldown when procing quickness so you can make a water field and blast it once or maybe twice, with 5 3 2 hammer I can maybe 30% of the time trying to utilize motar kit combo fields isn't enough because everything else to use the field is on cd. 

I'm not sure what anet was thinking but it seems since scrapper was released all they have done is nerfed it to the ground. Someone finds a fun way to play they need it some more. It's like they just want everyone to forget about scrapper completely.  On the other hand mirage is so busted atm in wvw all you fight are mirages maybe we need to roll mirage......


It is really starting to come off as anet doesn't want class uniqueness and flavor but everyone is force fed the same cereal. 

Edited by Freedoms.2635
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Yea I've been trying quick scrapper in fractals I can't keep up quickness at all because there is a internal cooldown when procing quickness so you can make a water field and blast it once or maybe twice, with 5 3 2 hammer I can maybe 30% of the time trying to utilize motar kit combo fields isn't enough because everything else to use the field is on cd. 

take that build, full berserker : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAIJlRwgYbsGWJOuLvtWA-zB0QhZAAA-e

Now seperete thinks for 2

first you know 5+3, you can also 6+3 (on medic field)


then blast gyro is combo with throw mine, if blast gyro is in cd, you can use throw mine in f1 or f2


function gyro whenever you want


Schold be easier now

Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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Quick scrapper sucks now. Yes, I can sustain 100% quickness uptime in full zerker gear but dps is garbage and it feels terrible to play. I did more dps before in 50% diviner than I do now in 100% zerker. Rocket Charge used to be one of scrapper's best skills because it could be used reactively to dps, CC, or heal while under attack. Using Rocket Charge and fields on cooldown instead turns it into a liability due to the animation locking at the wrong times. You can cancel the skill but in general, having to rely on skill cancelling to avoid bad design is a terrible idea.

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On 6/27/2023 at 1:00 PM, Malus.2184 said:

Meanwhile, Heralds can give out Quickness just by existing

This is the design all boon share builds should have. Anet still struggles at doing it for whatever reason

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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