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WvW Builds


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Hey guys, 

I was just wondering if any of you had any contributions to the current roster of WvW builds for either Daredevil, Core, or Specter. I understand that this could very well simply be a "get good" angle but I've found that I don't punch as hard as I'd like to in a world where a lot of roamers such as WB, Harb, Vindi, Soulbeast even Bladesworn (which I play when not on thief) can reliably apply quite a few boons. Condi Specter seems to do a good job of fighting most things in isolation, but in general I prefer power builds. I'm very interested in knowing what you guys have found success with and what you have fun with. Or if you think the tried and true shadow arts D/P Daredevil is the way to go, maybe you wouldn't mind sharing some tips about what your next moves might be after your initial 5 > 1 > backstab > auto chain, especially against a still healthy opponent. Thanks guys!


TL ; DR: What thief builds are you playing in WvW? Also feel free to include some combos, tips. 

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4 hours ago, Qaju.2058 said:

sry can´t contribute; I remain a filthy DE using http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PahAQRlFw2YSsO2JeUXnvKA-zVJYiR1/ZkpqqXpqk/Ah83SVmRAA-w because Anet won´t let us have nice things like bundle bonking

Pretty much what I use now except I have signet of agility instead of roll for initiative since we lost trickster, dragon armour with eagle runes to up the crit damage to 220% with the added bonus of extra damage on target below 50% and hold crit chance 80ish before fury which should be 100% up time with M7. I tried basilik venom but the number of times I saw immune was unfrikingbelievable. Works fine in pve land, not so much competitive world.

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10 hours ago, Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:

I use a dual staff daredevil build for zerging because Anet won't let us have anything for WvW anymore. So I'll make it everyone's problem.


Don't give a dang if it makes the commander mad. Don't give it a dang if it makes the enemy mad because they can't touch me.  Anet made me play like this.

Dual staff daredevil is actually really strong with the right support and in a melee oriented zerg. The only commanders I've seen that don't understand this have been open tag pug manders. 

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