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Healing Spring - inconvinient to use


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Ever since ANet changed the skill to be considered a trap skill I just can't find myself using it not because it's a bad skill, but because it's inconvinient to use. You need to trigger the trap first and I don't even know what the trigger is. E.g. I want to cleanse condition on myself but it's not enough to trigger the trap even with the chip damage. Or I just want to create water combo field to heal allies but it often doesn't trigger because I'm at full HP. All I really want is to activate the effect when I cast it.

Is it just me? Or is there any trick how to trigger Healing Spring on demand?

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It doesn't trigger if you use it at full hp or the initial heal puts you at full hp and there is no other target below full hp within it's radius. To trigger an already placed healing spring, you (or anyone else) needs to enter it while being below 100% hp or suffering from at least one condition. If you used spring without triggering the field and then you take dmg or get afflicted with condis, leaving and re-entering the placed heal "trap" will trigger it. Staying inside the trap while taking dmg does not trigger it however. Annoying when immobilized or cced, but otherwise no big deal.

If there is nobody below full hp or affliced by condis, you can't trigger the water field. But then you also don't really need it, right?

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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2 hours ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

If there is nobody below full hp or affliced by condis, you can't trigger the water field. But then you also don't really need it, right?

Sure, you wouldn't need it at that moment, but it makes it a heck of a lot easier to blast then waiting for someone to trigger it and then blast.  As if you are at 100% you'd need an ally to go in it or your pet to randomly set it off (I think your pet can trigger it) before you can do anything with the actual field. 

It being a trap also causes other issues like going invisible if you are using trapper runes and also trying to contest a point.  I get Guard heal trap has this issue but it also has a defensive component of blinding enemy who walk through it, so it makes a lot more sense if you stealth while doing that.  

Either way, thankfully it isn't as stupid as We Heal as One! being reclassified to a command from a shout.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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yeah the thing is Healing spring does not really behave like a trap and let me explain: 

  • When you place the trap it heals you for 5k. 
  • When you trigger the trap (as explained in this thread) then it pulses cleanses and apply regen. 

So what is it? 

  • If it's a trap why not pulsing direct heals with the other effects instead the one heal? 
  • If it's a well why the activation time and the triggers for any ally?  

You place the trap preemtively (100% hp) you miss the actual heal for half a minute. You don't you need to play around the trap mechanic (arming time on top of casting time, in and out from the area).

So yeah, when anet nerfed the healing spring well (it didn't work like trap before although it was considered a trap in regards of runes and such) they really messed it up in their usual fashion. People still asks why ranger players have 0 trust anet can deliver anything but makign the game worse. 

Right now it's being used only because runes of the trapper (stealth) because it is the only trap that do not reveal you if it triggers. 


Edited by anduriell.6280
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10 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Sure, you wouldn't need it at that moment, but it makes it a heck of a lot easier to blast then waiting for someone to trigger it and then blast.  As if you are at 100% you'd need an ally to go in it or your pet to randomly set it off (I think your pet can trigger it) before you can do anything with the actual field.

Well yes, it is helpful if whoever you want to heal knows how healing spring works, but generally it is no big deal and most of the time you should be getting your water field when you need it. And the field not always autotriggering allows you to preserve it for when you need it, instead of having to waste it just because you needed the initial healing.

Overall it is a very good skill and i use it all the time.

10 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

It being a trap also causes other issues like going invisible if you are using trapper runes and also trying to contest a point.

The rune proc can be canceled by weapon swapping or dodging right after using a trap. Generally being able to gain stealth and superspeed are very valuable tho - otherwise just don't use the rune. If the trap classification would get removed (or the rune) - it would make healing spring way worse.

8 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

If it's a trap why not pulsing direct heals with the other effects instead the one heal?

Because that would make it worse and not even more "trap like" than now.

8 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

If it's a well why the activation time and the triggers for any ally? 

It's not a well.

8 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

You place the trap preemtively (100% hp) you miss the actual heal for half a minute.

Don't do that then, if you are going to need the heal within the next few seconds maybe?

8 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

So yeah, when anet nerfed the healing spring well (it didn't work like trap before although it was considered a trap in regards of runes and such) [...]

Right now it's being used only because runes of the trapper (stealth) because it is the only trap that do not reveal you if it triggers.

Healing Spring didn't get nerfed. It used to have longer cd, less cleansing and you had to sit inside the field for longer to get the full benefit originally.  And it did not trigger trapper runes and such. The skill is stronger than ever now.

And while trapper runes are very strong for roaming builds, healing spring is also used on support builds in PvE and WvW - and those don't run said rune.

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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4 hours ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

Overall it is a very good skill and i use it all the time.

The rune proc can be canceled by weapon swapping or dodging right after using a trap. Generally being able to gain stealth and superspeed are very valuable tho - otherwise just don't use the rune. If the trap classification would get removed (or the rune) - it would make healing spring way worse.

So it's a good skill because Trapper runes exist? 

I can agree it has uses in group play, but much like everything else ranger it's too difficult to get full use out of in most cases and running Troll Unguent is better.

I'd prefer it go back to the original and just pulse heals / cleanse more quickly, which is in fact what a lot of Rangers asked for when the trap change was made.  It's also back when they had a chance to fix Entangle's bugginess and make it a trap, but they opted to just leave it as survival--which is a whole different discussion.  

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On 7/13/2023 at 1:55 AM, Zyreva.1078 said:

If you used spring without triggering the field and then you take dmg or get afflicted with condis, leaving and re-entering the placed heal "trap" will trigger it.

That's exactly why I call it inconvenient to use. If it's not big of a deal for others, well it's kind of big of a deal for me. I would still prefer skill to simply activate on use. Healing Spring + Warhorn 5 used to be such a satisfying combo. Now you have to deal with re-entering the circle and other shenanigans.

Edited by AkantorCZ.8952
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