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Request to update Steam Page - Explain that you can be punished for your decision

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So I'd like to see an update put onto the Steam page so that new players can avoid my situation.  I'd want it to clearly explain that creating an account through Steam could result in a punishment down the road.  I am speaking of Steam accounts unable to get the Ultimate edition which offers a pretty sweet deal on 4k gems plus the expansion and other items. 

I'm a relatively new player, only started Oct of last year, and found the game on steam.  I didn't know that signing up directly through ANet was an option or that I could be negatively impacted in the future if I didn't do so.  I understand there are logistical issues and Steam takes its cut, I'm just disappointed I'm unable to get the bonus.  I'm sure by putting their game on Steam they were able to grow their player base so it seems like a strange decision to penalize those people.

Before someone says it, I am aware that you can purchase the in game items using gems, but that's not really what I was going for.  The bundle of the expansion, in game items, and 4k gems is all worth like $100, and you can get it all for $75.  That's why I view this as a punishment.

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36 minutes ago, uberrainman.5284 said:

So I'd like to see an update put onto the Steam page so that new players can avoid my situation.  I'd want it to clearly explain that creating an account through Steam could result in a punishment down the road.  I am speaking of Steam accounts unable to get the Ultimate edition which offers a pretty sweet deal on 4k gems plus the expansion and other items. 

I'm a relatively new player, only started Oct of last year, and found the game on steam.  I didn't know that signing up directly through ANet was an option or that I could be negatively impacted in the future if I didn't do so.  I understand there are logistical issues and Steam takes its cut, I'm just disappointed I'm unable to get the bonus.  I'm sure by putting their game on Steam they were able to grow their player base so it seems like a strange decision to penalize those people.

Before someone says it, I am aware that you can purchase the in game items using gems, but that's not really what I was going for.  The bundle of the expansion, in game items, and 4k gems is all worth like $100, and you can get it all for $75.  That's why I view this as a punishment.

Not every deal can be available for every demographic. That's the nature of sales and bundles, and why it's usually a nightmare for sales teams. Just be glad GW2 only exists on PC, because some of the other MMOs I play exist on multiple platform, and it's even more convoluted there lol. Some platforms can't get certain deals,  or the releases of sales are staggered, sometimes even months apart, etc. At least that part of the issue doesn't exist in GW2, we can at least be thankful for that.

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I thought I explained it fairly well but I can try again.  Because I signed up through Steam, I cannot get the Ultimate bundle, which is the expansion, all the in game items, and the 4k gems for $75.  I was interested in this as the value of all the items is over $100 so it's a pretty sweet deal.  The only way that is available is if you have an account directly through anet.

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6 minutes ago, uberrainman.5284 said:

I thought I explained it fairly well but I can try again.  Because I signed up through Steam, I cannot get the Ultimate bundle, which is the expansion, all the in game items, and the 4k gems for $75.  I was interested in this as the value of all the items is over $100 so it's a pretty sweet deal.  The only way that is available is if you have an account directly through anet.

This makes no sense on Anets part to not have the Ultimate bundle on steam. 

However, prepare for lots of " down votes" because of your choice of words. 

If your title would have been "Why no ultimate bundle on steam?" a lot less people would come into your thread with already a negative expectation. 

Because without context, it sounds like total BS. 

Try to be less ragebaity next time and  more constructive in you choice of words and more people will agree with you. 

Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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I understand and it is what it is.  I did first reach out to support and they told me that all Steam has is the standard edition.  I just hope someone from anet sees this and updates the Steam page so that newcomers to the game like me realize that they could miss out on future deals.  Not everyone has been around for a decade or more so this decision seems strange.

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Since ArenaNet loses revenue on the (Ultimate) Gems on Steam, that's likely why the Ultimate Edition is not offered there. (The Gems are already offered in the Ultimate Edition at 50% off; losing another 30% is probably not ArenaNet's main goal.)

Not sure if Steam would want a disclaimer urging customers to purchase elsewhere on the product.  🤷‍♀️

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I guess my question was just answered by the sales report they just released.  They aren't making any money off Steam so they aren't going to give any deals to Steam users.  Sorta highlights my point though, had I known there was an option to not use Steam and it would be better for the company, I would have done that instead.  But like was correctly pointed out, Steam probably wouldn't be to happy if they put on the page, "DON'T CREATE AN ACCOUNT THROUGH STEAM, GO HERE INSTEAD".

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But your request is to update the Steam page. Shouldn't you ask Steam Customer Support or their forum instead? As it stands, Arenanet doesn't have much control over other platforms.

Inversely, Steam could offer better deals on the expansion or etc during Steam Sales, where players who use Arenanet launcher couldn't take advantage of.

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22 hours ago, uberrainman.5284 said:

I guess my question was just answered by the sales report they just released.  They aren't making any money off Steam so they aren't going to give any deals to Steam users.  Sorta highlights my point though, had I known there was an option to not use Steam and it would be better for the company, I would have done that instead.  But like was correctly pointed out, Steam probably wouldn't be to happy if they put on the page, "DON'T CREATE AN ACCOUNT THROUGH STEAM, GO HERE INSTEAD".

Feel for you buddy. But steam forums are filled with people telling people NOT to purchase through steam and go directly through gw2. Still, an unfortunate experience. 

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I have 2 GW2 accounts, one just ArenaNet, the other through Steam. This was a mistake on my behalf, I didn't realize I already had an ArenaNet account (made many years ago) and then made an account through Steam.  I can't remember why I didn't play GW2 before, something to do with the game not installing and me giving up in frustration.

Anyways... I have noticed a HUGE difference in cost between GW2 through ArenaNet and GW2 through Steam. EG...

ArenaNet... $10 crystals are around $10... $20 crystals are around $20, etc

Steam... $10 crystals are around $15...  $20 crystals are around $30, etc (I am in Australia and the cost may be something to do with my region, different regions may have a lesser or greater cost... yet ArenaNet doesn't have this cost difference)

The price of expansions has the same discrepancies in price.  Steam will cost one and a half of the cost than ArenaNet.  It costs more to pay for anything through Steam.  I think this may be why the poster of this thread is making their statement... you are punished if you play GW2 through Steam with the cost of EVERYTHING. Everything costs MORE and this is a punishment just because you are using Steam.  (You cant buy directly through ArenaNet if you are playing through Steam... not that I know of) You are stuck with paying more, with no escape... This includes any in-game purchase you make, it goes directly to Steam (no choice).


I 'personally' wouldn't go through Steam for GW2... I am saying this with experience.



Edited by Lanfear De Noir.9127
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