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If you fix Arc Divider in PvP-

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Either by

  • adding a QoL change that rewards you additionally for landing it since it has a windup now and is easily snuffed by blind and aegis, and bursts need to land for half our traits to work
  • returning the original functionality to the skill 
  • adding a QoL change that provides a necessary boon on its use or provides some other necessary trait (Alacrity? minor refunding of skill cds on GS?)

promise you I will preorder Secrets of the Obscure.

Yes I'm bribing you. As a meme. You can't ban me for memes. Well, not this meme.

But I'm serious.

Put the spin back thanks it was very useful. If you want to work out suggestions for the most minimally invasive way to resolve this light a flare or something, thank.

note: Please don't just make it ignore blind or blocks I swear to Dhuum I can't handle more whining about people determined to get hit in the face with the skill as is, much less them having justified concerns.



Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
Bargaining Phase of Grief
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50 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Either by

  • adding a QoL change that rewards you additionally for landing it since it has a windup now and is easily snuffed by blind and aegis, and bursts need to land for half our traits to work
  • returning the original functionality to the skill 
  • adding a QoL change that provides a necessary boon on its use or provides some other necessary trait (Alacrity? minor refunding of skill cds on GS?)

promise you I will preorder Secrets of the Obscure.

Yes I'm bribing you. As a meme. You can't ban me for memes. Well, not this meme.

But I'm serious.

Put the spin back thanks it was very useful. If you want to work out suggestions for the most minimally invasive way to resolve this light a flare or something, thank.

note: Please don't just make it ignore blind or blocks I swear to Dhuum I can't handle more whining about people determined to get hit in the face with the skill as is, much less them having justified concerns.



How about we just slap 2s of Aegis and Resistance on hit and call it a day.


Search your feelings, you know it to be true. This will be the kind of path they take.


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  • 2 weeks later...

How about they just undo the change? This is simple, doesn't require any imagination and it is what many players want.

The hardest part here is simply admitting that the change was bad. They don't even need to call it a mistake, they can simply call it a failed experiment.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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On 8/11/2023 at 12:45 PM, Fueki.4753 said:

How about they just undo the change? This is simple, doesn't require any imagination and it is what many players want.

The hardest part here is simply admitting that the change was bad. They don't even need to call it a mistake, they can simply call it a failed experiment.

Too much pride at stake, would essentially state out loud that the dev team dont know what they are doing with warrior (Not like its clear already).

Alas, if they fix up greatsword abilities and bump the numbers a bit id be far more favorable towards actually using it in its current state.

Other then that id love it if they gave orange slice the same CD reset that decapitate has on a successful hit. Would create a hell of a time for AOE cleave in PVE and a good way for power berserkers to quickly follow up to the blind/aegis spam kitten.

Even more baller would be if Arc divider became a channeled bladestorm like ability, the more adrenaline spent the longer and harder it spins. Kind of like a juiced up axe 5.
Embrace the unga bunga and become a mobile blender.

Edited by WingSwipe.3084
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