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Potential Heat the Soul ICD fix.


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Heat the Soul now pulses Boons every second for 5 seconds after a Burst was used.

Base: 1s Quickness and 2s Fury per second.


With this change, the Cooldown of the Burst used doesnt matter anymore because all it will do is refersh the 5s Duration of the new Heat the Soul effect.

You still give the same Boons per second regardles of Burst CD and you still need Boon Duration to stack up Quickness.


Making Traits that trigger effects on burst a pulsing effect could even be extented to other Traits.

Marching Order would simply pulse Might for a set duration. Soldies Comfort and Martial Cadance would simply add pulsing Healing/Boons to the effect.




Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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Well, while I do think it would be great change for warriors, what if you extend this balance philosophy to all classes? Part of a skillful game is that you can mess up.

Also pulsing boons are typically better in PvP modes since it makes boonrips much weaker. So while overall duration will be the same, you would have to inrease amount of boon removals in the game which in return would make warrior stability and melee gameplay worse.

Edited by Riba.3271
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31 minutes ago, Riba.3271 said:

Well, while I do think it would be great change for warriors, what if you extend this balance philosophy to all classes? Part of a skillful game is that you can mess up.

Also pulsing boons are typically better in PvP modes since it makes boonrips much weaker. So while overall duration will be the same, you would have to inrease amount of boon removals in the game which in return would make warrior stability and melee gameplay worse.

How about we give Decapitate a normal CD, increase dmg so the overall DPS doesnt change and get rid of the ICDs on traits that way?


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44 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 this would only be good if we would be able to hold the Berserker Mode the whole time. Sadly we can not so its basicly useless. I rly would prefer them handling it like Specter alac. Remove the ICD of the traitline and let it apply 2,5 Seconds quickness every time u use a Burst Skill. 

Or reduce the cd on berserk to 6s.

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7 minutes ago, Maria Murtor.7253 said:

I only play with nice people in fractals and guild members. So, I don't really care about that. Yet, I have my own doubts. I see the cooldown on Heat the Soul, which makes quickness uptime rough (almost no buffer). Or am I imagining things?

No, you'll need boon duration. But for a condi build Runes of the Firebrand work great*. If your mates are fine with it, then feel free to play it.


*Until relics come out and that part of the rune is removed. We'll see what they come up with on the 22nd.

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