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LWS4: "Here are the items you purchased. Thanks for your support!"

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Good day!

What you are seeing is a game reaction to the new Living world episode unlock being an MTX "item". When an episode is obtained a letter will be given to show that you have received it - kind of like a receipt for a purchase. Generally we disable the email for login while the Episode is free to avoid confusion. We missed doing that this time. Please know that you are safe!

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@keenedge.9675 said:Maybe the point is that some text could have been inserted into the body of the message to clarify the reason for the message.

shrugs, maybe next time :p

I think if they had thought about editing the text, they would've thought about disabling the message in the first place.Still, editing the default message to include the purchased item and its price could help (both can be filled in automatically by the system). I remember getting a similar message a few times in the past, so it's not the first time ANet forgot to disable it.

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