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Bad news for you guys


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Recently I got very mad about Mechanist nerfs ( I wont talk about them, fckit, its all in class forums), so I tried new class. Elementalist and speacially Tempest, because I read it can be be LI (low input). Guys Im very sorry, but Tempest is awesome in cele gear! What im sorry? Anet cant have nice gameplay, so...it will be nerfed lol

Semi /s

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Viable , not very meta , but the healing tempest is starting to feel nice , the alac/dps instead is holy deep low in dps in comparison to other alac dpses.

Also you talking about celestial tempest for ? open world or instanced content ? if it is for open world , everything is viable there , you can run full minstrel warrior and still be effective , as it is starting to feel like a baby playground lately.

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1 hour ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

Viable , not very meta , but the healing tempest is starting to feel nice , the alac/dps instead is holy deep low in dps in comparison to other alac dpses.

Also you talking about celestial tempest for ? open world or instanced content ? if it is for open world , everything is viable there , you can run full minstrel warrior and still be effective , as it is starting to feel like a baby playground lately.

I'm assuming he's talking about open world.  In which case, somebody should probably tell him that pmech wasn't nerfed because of its open world performance.

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15 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I'm assuming he's talking about open world.  In which case, somebody should probably tell him that pmech wasn't nerfed because of its open world performance.

Yes , you can play pmech blindfolded in open world , your mech tank everything and even if it dies you can recall it with signet , also have passiv healing from heal signet and "big boomer" trait (two combined heal you for +- 500 a sec with 0 in healing) , and all of that with rifle at 1200 range just pew pewing your way trough trashmobs like they are made off candycorn (wish warrior rifle has a bit of the same love) .

And for the nerfs , sorry but that was needed that beast made 32k alsmost afk with 0 gameplay and a rotation consisting of pushing 1 and there you go , 33% of players where mechs in raids and strikes , even in fractals it reached 25% ... that was ridiculous , it is now a decent dps for the effort you put in , also the easiest class to play as dps with rifle.

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