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Portal for the new area?

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I had to log off after completing Chapter 2 due to "timeout" issue that locked me in story instance and I was unable to leave it. After that I ended up back in Tyria. Marker for Chapter3 pointed to LA but it was pointing between the portals. It was HUGE number of players that were stuck in LA and were unable to proceed with their story and get to new location. You had to use Teleport to a friend to get there. This is unacceptable bug. I guess someone forgot to place a portal there.

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I imagine you get a portal scroll to the Wizard’s Tower at some point in the story like you do with the Arborstone scroll, and likely a portal will be added/unlocked in LA account-wide after completing a story step (again, like how Arborstone is inaccessible until at least one of your characters have accessed it through the story).

Beyond that, though, the only way to get there the first time is completing the story mission or TTF. At least the Bloodstone Fen portal scroll is useful to minimise the WP cost.

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I got a portal to the tower from the Lion's Arch portal plaza after completing story step 6, but it's not visible for any of my other toons who haven't gotten that far.  I haven't found a teleport scroll yet.  I really wish Anet would give one, like for Arborstone.

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