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Xpac Initial Intro Quest Boss FIght and Playing Hide & Seek

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I don't really enjoy the new xpac's opening mission.  Is the Non-stop revive in idiotically one-sided Story fights just a feature Anet balances around now?  It's like they expect you to Revive-rush things beating on a health point sponge until you can move the story along.  I also feel like the addition of Plot weakness debilitations are just a "screw you" to the players who already feel like there is too much DoT and Condition spam in the game.  "Oh you hate all the conditions?  Here, first mission, you get a bevy of Plot conditions that you can't remove and all but ensures you get stomped by this new Big Boss guy who is tougher than you for...reasons.  Oh, he's not actually tougher than you.  We're just removing almost complete player control so that you're affectively paralyzed while he wails on you.  Now you play a long hide & seek game to show just how weak you really are compared to this guy, but you can't move fast here either.  Maximum trudge through for you.  

Edited by Alaeacus.9635
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5 minutes ago, Debesyla.7102 said:

Yeah, kitten the game for trying to tell a story.

It's tired and played out.  And later, I'll get some Deus Ex Machina device that makes me overcome this new and terrible debilitation that noone on Tyria has ever seen before, and all of a sudden I can overpower the guy now.  Yawn.  I'm ok with Plot devices forcing a win condition for the enemy, but please Anet quit removing player control for no reason other than "promotes suspense"...in a game with infinite lives.  I'm tired of every Xpac having to slow walk everywhere.  

Edited by Alaeacus.9635
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I did not enjoy this. Especially because I didn't realize I was supposed to end up downed until after it happened a second time. First time I went down I was thinking this was going to be an interesting fight quite  early in the story and getting psyched up to pay more attention and have a good go at this kitten while I was looking at my jade bot doing its job. Then I realized I couldn't dodge and hardly move at all, Very anticlimactic.

Edited by Manasa Devi.7958
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OP is 100% correct here. It's a boring trope that makes for a boring, forced gameplay. In fact it's so played out that even TV series avoid it nowadays.

I actually wasted time on this by trying to beat the guy on my solo build (yep, mirage still laughs at your fake uncleansable immob), only to realize it's a scripted sequence, the boss goes invul and regenerates in a loop, and I should just let the game force me to get stomped in this weird pseudo-interactive cutscene because... plot armor reasons I suppose. 🙄

Oh by the way, did I already rant about fake non-removeable pseudo-conditions that ignore established game systems just to be used as a cheap gimmick? I guess I did now. They still suck.

Much player agency, very interact.

Edited by rune.9572
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