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The most flexible daily system possible

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I actually like that they removed the passive login rewards and rolled them into the new daily system. It makes it tougher for those with dozens of alt accounts to game the system. And while I haven't done the math myself, it sounds like you can get even more rewards than the old system.

The main complaint seems to be the lack of variety in the activities required to complete the daily. The older system was certainly better with 12 options each day as opposed to the current required 3, but it wasn't great either. It always felt like a chore. Pretty quick and easy, but a chore nonetheless. How many hundreds of times can you travel to the same meaningless vistas. Or stand around waiting for a port to the end of a jumping puzzle.

The Most Flexible Daily System Possible.

I would like to see a daily system that simply requires you to play the game for a little while each day to complete the daily. Specifically, earn a certain amount of experience. Period. Everything in the game gives experience so just do whatever you feel like doing that day. Fractals, PvP, open-world PvE, strike missions, WvW, even just zone completion or crafting. Just play. Earn experience. Complete your daily.

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Maybe they thought that by giving so many options that the players stopped trying something new and always went for the easy/fast ones instead. Every day for the last few months there were people on reddit and on this forum complaining that they didn't know what to do after reaching level 80 on their first character, even though they had the old system to suggest things to do, people probably chose the same easy ones every day, which would lead to the issue of not knowing that to do after the dailies were done.

I think most people looked at the new daily system with the veteran player's eyes, as in, you already know what the game can offer you to do, you already played long enough to know how most of the content is and which ones suits your gaming preferences. By changing the daily options, it will affect very little the veteran players but it can make a lot of difference to new players, specially those that didn't make new friends or got in a guild while they were leveling up.

Veteran players will look at the new system choices and be like, yea, it will take some more time but I already know where and how to do these dailies. New players will be discovering some of the content available through them. I'm a veteran player, I didn't like that my daily options were narrowed down but I can still get through them in a heart beat.

Edited by leila.7962
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2 hours ago, leila.7962 said:

Maybe they thought that by giving so many options that the players stopped trying something new and always went for the easy/fast ones instead.


Why should Anet care, as long as players are logging in?  Why now enforce specific dailies?  Taking away options is never a good plan, in my opinion.  I believe, in this case, it might drive players away from dailies even with the purchasable rewards structure. 

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Honestly, I feel like they could fix a lot of problems by making it so that if we need 4 dailies each day, that we have a pool of more than 4 to pick from for the day. At least for situations where either some of the 4 are impossible (like me getting a mini-dungeon I've never seen before) or the 4 combined would take more playtime than someone has in one day.

If the required dailies were 4 and the pool were 8, it would probably be exceptionally flexible.

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