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Synergetics Cyberscale does not have fireball spitting animations and roar

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When using fireball with the Synergetics Cyberscale skyscale skin, the skyscale will stay completely still from start to finish and make no roar when shooting the fireball. I don't know if this affects other "non-standard" skins that do not strictly follow the original skyscale model/rig, but if that is the case, you're welcome to voice it here as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

'S'cuse the bump - problem still persists. Seems like the Cyberscale is the only victim of this issue though. Seen plenty of other skyscale skins have fireball animations and sound design. I'm kind of sad I have to change mount skin if I want it to look decent when I'm shooting  things down in Amnytas.

Edited by Dotveg.5108
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  • 2 weeks later...

One more bump to add a video showcasing the issue, as it is still of actuality even after yesterday's bug fixes and release of new Skyscale skins.

Hope this helps. Sorry for being so insistent - I do miss my Cyberscale a lot. 🙁


Edited by Dotveg.5108
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Aaand yep, not fixed.

Listen, I understand the focus on making new mount skins instead of making one of the previous ones work 100%, but the effort's been made for all the other skins — this overlook is starting to be rather obnoxious, especially since I've tried bringing it up through almost all official means several times since SoTO's release. This is also a paid skin, I'd like to be able to have it working with the entirety of the game's content after having paid for it like any other skyscale skin owner. I sincerely hope this isn't going to be another Warclaw chainpull animation situation.

Sorry if I'm sounding a little entitled, but mount skins aren't exactly cheap. I'd like to be able to enjoy what I've paid for like everybody else.

Edited by Dotveg.5108
Added slight amounts of venting
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  • 1 month later...

Happy Canthan New Year one and all!

It might be the year of the Dragon, it's still not patch day for the Cyberscale. Here's hoping the next major update brings the adaptive animation and sounds to this clunky fellow, as well as the other skyscales missing them. 🥳

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

One more patch and yep, it still ain't fixed, despite having contacted customer support, made multiple in-game reports, posted on the cosmetic issues thread, and kept this thread going since the first release of SoTO.

Skin was more expensive than Secrets of the Obscure, silly me for assuming a simple bug that's not present on all the other skyscale skins would be fixed by now. The worst insult to injury is that you keep releasing Synergetics Cyber skins lately but insist on ignoring the bugged Skyscale.

I'll ping @Rubi Bayer.8493 one last time and I'm just going to call it quits. This is getting absolutely ridiculous at this point.

Edited by Dotveg.5108
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  • 2 weeks later...

Je yeah good luck with this bug to you too Dotveg and im really being empathic and serious, im still fighting having a weapon unusuable because of a bug (the engineer sword) since nearly the same time as you with this skin and here we are yet both of us with the problem still persisting. I don`t know what happened after Soto with the bug fixing but....

Edited by Fortunello.9853
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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Fortunello.9853 said:

Je yeah good luck with this bug to you too Dotveg and im really being empathic and serious, im still fighting having a weapon unusuable because of a bug (the engineer sword) since nearly the same time as you with this skin and here we are yet both of us with the problem still persisting. I don`t know what happened after Soto with the bug fixing but....

Hey, could be worse, at least it's not asura eyes. Or asura cape scaling. Or charr clipping. Or warclaw chain pulling (although that's fixed since they tweaked its numbers).


I mean I don't get it, just like you. Used to be, Pre-SoTO, a minor bug like this? Poof, gone next patch. The chubby dragon jade bot comes to mind, or even the gyrocopter. We're nearing a year of me making a fool of myself whining about something that takes as little effort as importing the animation already made using this mount's rig to another skin of the same model. Why is this taking so long? Why the radio silence? Why the sudden obsession with adding more cyber cosmetics only to ignore one of the first three?


I'm just tired. Tired and upset. I was excited to get this skin when it came out. I saved up just for it. Now I can't even look at it without being upset that it's just not up to snuff with others.


Maybe it's the autism speaking - probably - but it even took out a bit of my enjoyment of the game not to be able to use the one skin I really love without knowing one of its features is totally bugged. I spent more money on this chunk of buggy pixelated metal than if I had bought standard SoTO. Leaves such a bitter taste in my mouth.


Now. I'll let this rest for good. Can't seem to shut up about this mount as soon as the thread gets attention. Excuse the theatrics.

Edited by Dotveg.5108
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  • 3 months later...

Can you believe it guys? Janthir, just a month away. Janthir is in a month! Woohoo! I am so happy about this information. Janthir! Just a month away, oh wow. Can you believe it? Janthir! Just in a month! It got here so fast! Janthir! Just a month away! And still no Cyberscale fix in sight.

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3 hours ago, Dotveg.5108 said:

Can you believe it guys? Janthir, just a month away. Janthir is in a month! Woohoo! I am so happy about this information. Janthir! Just a month away, oh wow. Can you believe it? Janthir! Just in a month! It got here so fast! Janthir! Just a month away! And still no Cyberscale fix in sight.

I feel you, reporting same stuff over and over and never having them looked at.

Asura and norn had problems wearing viper skins, norn gets fixed within a month since report, asura never (my point being, why not both, not because I stubbornly play one race and notice bugs only on them), we can run around with gaping holes in the meshes on our backs, nobody will notice, right?
Charr had issues with obsidian medium, so does asura, charr gets fixed, asura still waiting.


Crossing fingers it will get done and you will be able to use your favourite skin again. I remember gemstore skins being fairly quickly repaired in the past, not sure what happened.

Edited by Marge.4035
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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Marge.4035 said:

I feel you, reporting same stuff over and over and never having them looked at.

Asura and norn had problems wearing viper skins, norn gets fixed within a month since report, asura never (my point being, why not both, not because I stubbornly play one race and notice bugs only on them), we can run around with gaping holes in the meshes on our backs, nobody will notice, right?


Crossing fingers it will get done and you will be able to use your favourite skin again. I remember gemstore skins being fairly quickly repaired in the past, not sure what happened.

The best part (not really) is the back-and-forth CS sent me on. "We can't refund this since the purchase is too old, report the bug in-game and on the forums." So here I am. One year of reporting this on and on and on and on. Might send it to CS again. I don't expect any difference now, but maybe if I'm annoying enough, who knows. Not going to harass the poor CS staff that can do next to nothing about it, but hell. The lengths I have to go to.


I mean seriously, how hard is it to do the exact same thing than what's already been done to literally all other skins using the same rig? At this point, I'm starting to think somebody at ANet's getting a kick out of this, waiting to see how far into insanity I'll drop before they finally release a fix. They must know, right? They have to. I mean, even Mukluk joked about the skin being bugged, and compared to me, he's like, Guild Wars Jesus.

Edited by Dotveg.5108
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Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

Glad you at least finally got something more than static. More than a year just to get an acknowledgement is ridiculous. 🙁

If that rate of response is any indication, the Fiery Dragon Sword might get fixed sometime around the next Dragon Bash. Le sigh.

I'm definitely not proud or happy with what I had to do to even get some modicum of response, honestly. Two support tickets, posting here every other month, spamming reports in-game. The only thing that got this even remotely close to being fixed (and I'm still waiting to see if it is come next patch) is when I told the very professional customer service person in front of me "come on, mate, don't give me the generic message, just give the guys who can fix this a nudge and I'll quit wasting everyone's time". I don't know what's going on out back, but it's iffy alright.

Edited by Dotveg.5108
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  • 2 weeks later...

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