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Relic Acquisition Methods

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Just for some background, I love this game and have for the past 7 years.  I think Anet has done a great job with it and the devs are fantastic overall.  That being said, this new relic system is....questionable at best.  I'm not here to talk about the relic effects or anything, but how they're acquired.  Buying a recipe to craft them makes perfect sense.  I figured you could do that with all of them.  But finding out you can only buy the exclusive relics with 250 of the map currencies and 500 research notes was a huge middle finger.  

I get you want us to do your new content.  It's fun content!  I'm happy to do it, I thoroughly enjoyed the story and both metas.  The maps themselves and events are all awesome.  But 250 map currency for one relic?  Are you f-ing crazy???  That's at least 2 hours of pure grinding events to get a single relic to have it be SOULBOUND on use.  What if I want to see how the signet interaction works on multiple classes?  What if I want to see any relic effect on multiple characters?  I have to buy multiple of the same relic, so many hours of grinding, and then spend many hours more to do it again with a single other relic.  It's complete lunacy.  

"Oh just buy them with wvw or pvp currency."  Right, let's talk about that.  So.   Anet wants to force pve players to play only the newest content to get relics, but they're virtually nothing for consistent pvp and wvw players??? They don't have to do jack, except a single collection one time?  Give me a break.  This is such a slap in the face to everyone who isn't a wvw or pvp player.

I'm aware the group of us that is pve-only isn't huge.  But this is completely ridiculous to say wvw and pvp players can have them for almost free, but pve players have to grind our maps for hours and hours and hours. 

I love to experiment and try new things, but this new method of acquisition of the relics has absolutely killed any drive I have to play right now since I can only afford to try out the interesting relics if I grind my life away in wvw or the new maps.  I don't want to just complain though,  I think there's several ways to make pve players like me not feel like slaves to map events.  Let pve players buy them with naturally-earned currency like wvw and pvp palyers can.  Like magnetite shards, pristine fractal relics, or prophet shards.  That's content we always play, and should be rewarded the same way wvw  and pvp players do.  Or just make them cheaper.  Much cheaper.  OR JUST MAKE THEM ACCOUNT BOUND INSTEAD OF SOULBOUND.  Feel free and tell me if I'm the only one who feels this way.

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Yeah, the soulbound thing really isn't the best choice for the relics you get from achievements. There's a few builds that use the same relic (Akeem for example) on different classes but you can't switch it to another character. I don't understand why achievement relics aren't ascended like the trinkets you get. 
As I recall correctly you can buy them again from an NPC for another character but still it's a stupid choice. 
Relics overall were a mistake

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Soulbound because otherwise making a legendary relic woudn't be a thing, as legendary armory can be used across account.

As for sPvP and WvW...if us 'competitive scrubs' don't have to do anything then why not just do competitive? Open world PvE is a grind because its literally no consequence gameplay.  

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23 hours ago, tilted off mobas.2657 said:

 ... This is such a slap in the face to everyone who isn't a wvw or pvp player.

I'm aware the group of us that is pve-only isn't huge... 

Is this backwards day? Try planning any collection or anything as a mostly WvW player. If grinding in WvW is as easy as you say, then you can knock that out quick. Just ignore all of the people who break down crying over having to play WvW for their Gifts.

The pve-only crowd is so huge that many WvW players can't actually get into a map pretty often because of afk'ers and leechers backing up the queue. 

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29 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Can you expand on it, because i see no implication between those two things at all. Just look at ascended gear to see why what you said makes no sense.

Relics are like runes and sigils, not armor.  Typically, with runes and sigils you lose them if you are not slotting them on legendary (that is, without aid of upgrade extractor)--instead of locking you to a relic they just made them soulbound on use.

Long and short of it, you can swap out relics freely--if they were to be stored in armory and account bound there would be literally no reason for a legendary relic.

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1 hour ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Relics are like runes and sigils, not armor.  Typically, with runes and sigils you lose them if you are not slotting them on legendary (that is, without aid of upgrade extractor)--instead of locking you to a relic they just made them soulbound on use..

Well, duh, i do happen to have legendary armor, and one of the reasons why i obtained it was to make runes earlier to change and move around. So, this is definitely a change for the worse.

1 hour ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Long and short of it, you can swap out relics freely--if they were to be stored in armory and account bound there would be literally no reason for a legendary relic.

I am sorry, again, you did not think things out. If it were as you say, then the existence of ascended gear that can be moved around would make it so there's no reason for legendary armory.

Hint: legendaries, including legendary runes, were created before Armory was even made, and there was still a reason to make them. The Armory with its ability to easily have stuff equipped on all your characters adds to the value of legendaries, but they have a value even without it. Also, being able to move stuff around is not the same as being able to equip something at all your characters at the same time.

In short, again, what your implied is not true at all.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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