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Do we need to start a petition RE: Dailies

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18 hours ago, Andrets.3891 said:

Thanks for clarifying. I agree the dailies are definitely more visible now on their own page, but there are quite a few issues with this-

  • They are now segregated from the rest of the dailies (LW, EoD, fractals, etc.) and the WvW weeklies
  • The new interface gives me network errors occasionally and is clunky- it would be really nice to get the bouncy chests back instead of needing to go and click into the Wizard's Vault to claim them.
  • The old system gave some nice rewards which are now gone- mystic forger gave us an extra coin, PvP dailies gave us PvP reward track pots, dungeon dailies gave us dungeon currency, WvW dailies gave us WvW reward track pots and so on. These are ALL gone now.
  • There is some illusion of choice with the new system. It is deceiving and makes it look like you could get more than the old login rewards/dailies but Anet kept the cap nearly the same. For example, the max mystic coins and mystic clovers you can get from the Wizards Vault in a quarter is only roughly equivalent to what you could get before w/out mystic forger daily and that was from only doing the daily login.
  • Lack of choice- we used to get 12 options each day and now we are down to 3 (soon to be 4)
  • The system gives dailies players can't complete when they are not far enough into the game
  • Even though they claim it doesn't, it does act as a Battlepass in that if you didn't buy SotO, you are limited to what you can pick. The skins, mount, and one of the mat bags cannot be purchased with AA. I imagine going forward each of these expansions will continue adding things you can only get if you buy the newest expansion
  • Missing stuff in the wizard's vault which you could previously get from the daily login rewards- black lion keys (rare before but still obtainable), mystic forge stones, mystic salvage kits, black lion vendor, TP access, Bank access, and several others
  • There are inconsistencies in the dailies and weekly choices people get and it impacts the ability to complete them with friends
  • The old system encouraged players to try other game modes
  • The new system doesn't guide you very well as claimed, although the prior system wasn't really any better. Example- kill 100 Void enemies, perform 3 combo attacks, go do X event/JP. It would be really nice if the game gave more direction/assistance for players on how to complete them instead of forcing players to the wiki, forums, or reddit. Where can we find these Void enemies? Where does the event take place? And so on.

These are all fixable, but it doesn't seem like Anet intends to fix most of them based on their response so far.

There are great parts about it too-

  • Getting the options to get some account upgrades which used to be gems only as well as skins (assuming you bought the expansion)
  • Making Ascendeds and Legendaries more accessible
  • Having the choice on what to spend the points on
  • Added the Weekly
  • Making the game more active and giving more of the rewards for doing the daily/weekly (versus only logging in)

To your comment of " It was also conpletable waaaaaaay to quick most of the time", compared to the old system, the new dailies can still sometimes be completed just as quickly as the old system. We'll need to see how often that is the case going forward.

great points all

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On 8/29/2023 at 8:50 AM, Cuks.8241 said:

Well at that point it becomes just a filter for players that want to reduce the clutter and never play a specific game mode. What I actually thought initially this will be. Not a choice limiter.

I don't know if anyone ever needed a filter option "even" with the 12 options we had. It's a short list with easly recognizable icons to see what mode is involved (and it's the same in the current form). If we read through the complaints, even people claiming they dislike whatevermode suddenly think "seeing 12 options is better" simply because they'd be able to spot fastest/easiest options from the whole set as opposed to having 3-4 options of their preferred/only mode because those 3-4 options might involve objectives that take more time and effort. I really think introducing this system "just to filter out additional options and nothing else" would make litreally 0 sense. 0 upsides of choosing 1 or 2 over 3.
In the current form there is an upside of eliminating modes you dislike because when you do it, you get objetives in the mode you like instead of the ones you dislike.

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