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[Suggestion] Can ANET plz make a "use all" button for opening black lion chest like anyother chests in game ?

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When uncommon or better items are unlocked on your account they are removed from the loot table on subsequent rolls, to prevent 'wasting' a roll with a duplicate. If you could open all the chests at once you wouldn't have the opportunity to unlock these drops between rolls. You can still mess it up by not unlocking things as they drop, but at least this way makes support's life a little easier . . .

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Some items that come out the chest are unlocked in your wardrobe as soon as they hit your inventory. Sometimes it's kind of annoying because you then have to delete the inventory items, but if they could make them all work that way it would at least stop automatically opening chests giving you a useless duplicate.

5 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Could also be a fail-safe to keep players from making the mistake of burning through all of their keys and then submitting support tickets (I used all 20 of my keys and I only wanted to use 10....)

That's a good point.

My 'solution' for that now is to keep the keys in the bank and the chests in a private guild bank and only put the ones I'm willing to use into my inventory. It's not entirely effective because if I don't get the item I want I can usually convince myself it's worth trying another few keys, but at least I don't use them accidentially and the time required to go and get them gives me a chance to think about what I'm doing. If I have to do it more than 3 or 4 times I'll usually stop.

(This is why I don't buy keys with real money or gold. I do not trust myself not to invent 'mental gymnastics' to justify buying however many it takes to finally get the item I want. It's easier to keep the limit to zero.)

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There's also the psychology of opening the chests with the animations and anticipation involved. It's really a wild field of study in how companies can trick you into spending/gambling more with shiny lights and animations and the hope that "maybe the next roll will be better." It's a really predatory business practice, and I kind of hope countries really start cracking down on RL money lootboxes.

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