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Condi Scourge should be OP, but i "suck"


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Hello together, 

maybe someone of you got an idea.

I have a full Viper equipped Scourge. The build ist like this one: https://snowcrows.com/builds/necromancer/scourge/condition-scourge

My big problem. If i go to the golem (training area) with full buffs, my best result was round about 35k dps - most of the time 32k dps.
In this video (49k scourge) i can see torment stacks are over 40 (most of the time) - but HOW?

Maybe someone got an idea for me - i think i am the problem ;-)

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Hard to tell without seeing your logs. Assuming your gear is correct, with a gap this big this usually means

1) Are you putting vul on the golem?

2) Do you following the general rotation? You don't have to literally look at the each step and memorize it, but you should at least look at the rotation concept and understand it. Know what needs to be pressed on cd

3) You are probably just too slow to hit the buttons on time

If you can get a log or record a video, people will be able to offer better advice. 


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You should put all the conditions on the golem as well; it allows for 100% full powered Devouring Darkness (Scepter 3) and in a real raid scenario you will very easily have a minimum of 5 condis on a target (the max threshold for Devouring Darkness). Plus it also contributes to the trait Barbed Precision. 

I generally suck at golem benchmarks, but one thing you need to try to avoid doing while on the scepter rotation is to avoid starting an auto-chain before using the rest of the skills off CD, which is done by queuing skills. When there are no other skills to use, then you can auto attack but always finish the chain before using another skill.  

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Remus i know - my target is NOT to play the OP build. I will play the build after the nerf too.

I love playing Necro and it's driving me crazy. everyone says easy 45k dps and i "suck" so hard 😉
Buy maybe i dont "suck". Maybe i forgot to put all conditions on the golem ....

Thanks for all the replys 🙂

I will post my results soon but at the moment i'm at work 😉 

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4 hours ago, finemi.3024 said:

1) Should i put vul on the golem for a valid test? I only buffed myself with all buffs and spawned a normal golem

Unless something has changed, I believe this is the recommended config for golem testing:  https://snowcrows.com/guides/getting-started/special-forces-area

It seems to be the only thing I could find that actually spells out what the test parameters should be, most other recommendations are less specific.

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