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Doctors hate this 1 Simple Trick for shinier rating!


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Hot takes are the trend now, right? Here's mine:

Most PvPers would have higher rating if they didn't PvP (i.e. fight other players) and simply focused on capping/decapping nodes. The majority are so bad at fighting, so outclassed by 1 competent enemy, that they're better off trying to reduce the # of fights. Turning it into a cat-and-mouse game. Not only does it potentially waste the competent enemy's time capping, it also frees up your team's 1 good player to fight more often.

Assuming people care about rating. I do see a few weirdos still vying for clout talking about top 250 lol.

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Even tho your post is appreciated mate, do you really thing that the people you are referring to will, do that?
In case you forget that's the same people who die 2/3v1, respawn and charge alone into 5 people only to get one shorted.

If someone wants to make it to Plat/T250 the only thing they have to do is play in premade.
I just deny to believe that an MMO playerof average skill & intelligence cant make it at least to plat 3 if they play in premade.

*Not talking about the average GW2 player for obvious reasons. :3

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2 hours ago, Dickinson.7368 said:

Even tho your post is appreciated mate, do you really thing that the people you are referring to will, do that?

Not really, no. At this point, I'm not sure if they bother to look up anything about PvP before stepping into team games. Maybe the education burden/blame is on Anet.

I just think it's a interesting way of framing a rather sad point about player quality today. The best way to PvP (for most players) is to not PvP (according to rating).

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Assuming we are talking about being grouped with 4 randoms in solo q...

That actually makes things worse, because instead of the typical rush to mid, you have spread out team that is just going to push far or try all three nodes at once, and then shortly get spawn camped.

Fights in the aisle are actually oftentimes useful for the one or two roamers on the team to do what you suggest, and that's grab nodes.  Don't want everyone with the grab nodes mindset though or I assure you, it will be a 200-500 game fairly quickly.

This is the reason I cringe if I see a team with two thieves on it, as you will get a constant cap/decap game and no holding-these are very hard to win.  

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13 hours ago, bethekey.8314 said:

Hot takes are the trend now, right? Here's mine:

Most PvPers would have higher rating if they didn't PvP (i.e. fight other players) and simply focused on capping/decapping nodes. The majority are so bad at fighting, so outclassed by 1 competent enemy, that they're better off trying to reduce the # of fights. Turning it into a cat-and-mouse game. Not only does it potentially waste the competent enemy's time capping, it also frees up your team's 1 good player to fight more often.

Assuming people care about rating. I do see a few weirdos still vying for clout talking about top 250 lol.

*breathes in "thief nerfed for forcing splits through decap" ptsd*

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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He's actually right.

If you can convince your low players to try very hard to not die, even if it means kiting all over and never going to nodes, it actually allows the veteran player to get stuff done when the enemy is distracted playing cat & mouse.

This has a much better chance of winning than when your four silver 3 PUGs walk into mid and get deleted in 10s and then the veteran gets snowballed so hard he can't do anything at all.

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