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With The $500K "Ultimate Perma-Ban" for Cheating being recently Court-Ordered in Destiny: What are your HOPES for the future of GW2 PvP? | What levels of "Cheating" : Aka. Causing Drama, Idling, Macros(Which?), Botting, Win-Trading, Buying Tournaments etc


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For Reference:


I'm not talking realistically here, I'm talking flying-pig levels of dreaming. I personally love GW2 PvP. And, honestly, I'd really like to see some life be-injected back into it through: Meaningful Rewards for the masses, as well as top-X, as well as taking what's become "common-place" cheating practices aka. Macros, Drama (always going to exist to some level,) Win-Trading, and blatant Hacking more seriously.

I know ANet has the tech to do this too, as they've dealt with it in the past. So IF it were to magically become a priority for them, What would you like to see dealt with first and Why?

For Example:

I think that a lot of the main problem the game mode essentially being deprecated at this point comes from ANet's attitude of "We just don't care." So people, obviously do whatever they want. As far as behaviors' go tho, I personally think the Win-Trading thing is the most egregious, as I tend to run into it the most in Gold-Plat a LOT. And while I don't think it should result in the most severe of punishments (perma-ban, hands cut off, etc.) I do think there's room to do something about this.

But from a damaging community mentality standpoint: It's the couple blatant teleport and boon hacks I've run into, even during ATs. Those have to go. I'd also like to see ANet stick to perma-bans that they issue for things like Selling ATs, and don't really understand why they unceremoniously reversed these. Especially since it seems like they had to do each one individually, which probably cost $. To me at least this, along with little fixes for Botting etc. would go a long way to showing the community that Arena Net cares about the game mode (if they were going to; I know they don't actually right now,) and would thus encourage new players to try it out and stick with it. Instead of reinforcing the mentality of "The only way to win is to cheat but be subtle about it. And that's the way we want it." It also might do wonders for boosting the mentality of the PvP Community at-large imo.


What are your thoughts? Are there easy solutions for these things? What levels of policing' are OK/do you think would enhance the community the most?


P.S. : Also, not having a match start if someone hasn't loaded in. Other games have this. The fact that we still don't is ridiculous.

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Interesting read. What we learn of this, is how far a cheater can actually go.
After 13 bans, and blatantly streaming their return on new accounts, threatening the devs was finally too much.

The "As a minor I can't agree to legally binding license agreements and thus am not subject to your anti-cheating rules." defense was smart.
The "Agreed, so you just admitted to have used at least 13 unlicensed copies of our game?" counter was genius 🙂

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9 hours ago, FShoppe.6572 said:

What are your thoughts? Are there easy solutions for these things? What levels of policing' are OK/do you think would enhance the community the most?

Imagine not having a handle on your ego and getting fined 500,000 dollars because you're annoying. 💀

Lmao rip 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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