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Builds/specs with plainly unfun mechanics


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8 hours ago, Irrational.2871 said:

core thief/daredevil probably evereyone noticed that invisability pretty broken in this game cuz there is no tools to counter it. Ranger for example have skill that doesnt allow to go invis but the thing is thief could just run away and others dont even have that. Damage dealt to thiefs in invis doesnt reveal them so even if they on low hp they can decide to keep fighting you or run away and the only counter play left for you is to predict their next action but if you can farsee into the future then you wont have problems with any game you know. But that wont be such a problem if not thief's damage like random crit from invis dealt 8k to dolyak rune + marauder amulet is a cringe no more no less. In theory some specs can destory them but it doesnt mean that other specs should be pestered by the thieves
chrono stun break immortality + their elite
cata have both damage and def and a lot of utility altough you need time to learn how to play ele but its difficulty overcompensated
stunlock warriors  i dont mind somtimes to lay on the gorund for dunno 15 seconds? the problem is that spell that allow them to not recive power damage if that thing would be nerfed in terms of duration or cd or even both i wont have any problems with them.
vindicator jumps way too much and i cant understand when he landed yet  so either i wait for extra seconds to be sure he walking or missing some spells on air dodge. Also if they use staff they can jump with staff skills few more times before cd on dodge is up.
cringebenders is like what if theif and guardian had sex they would gave birth to willbender its a tank with thief's damage and mobility for no reason

stop acting irrational 

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40 minutes ago, Irrational.2871 said:

vindicator player said

okay since you have trouble landing your stuff ln vindicator, make one. Then you can test the dodge and see properly when to hit them. If you wait extra seconds after his jump, it is like free game for the other player. Also because it is in the air it just looks like it dodges more because it is more visible so you notice more dodges. Weaver, some thief builds, any revenant spec, ranger to some degree all can dodge pretty well but are less subtile because it isn't a large jump in the air. You can look dodge duration time on vindicator with the normal dodge, duration isn't much different and amount of times is comparable to those. And building around mote dodging isn't vindicator only 😉 


in short: make vindi and learn the dodge ending when vulnerable


Also what is the main thing you play because you have trouble with the list you summed up? Also is this around 1v1 mostly or general ranked play?


PS. I just wanted to make a name joke 😅

Edited by arazoth.7290
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On 9/25/2023 at 5:37 AM, Saiyan.1704 said:

Anything that does damage while also invulnerable/perma evade/etc. Fighting a virtuoso or hammer cata is very unfun.

Shoot, stealth, shoot, stealth... DE needs to be reworked heavily. They're not even meta but everyone still wants them deleted from pvp. Like inflamed herpes. It's under control right now but I still feel miserable.

If it's not meta it's only about 1/4th a step away from being meta.

That **** is dealing too much damage lately.

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1 hour ago, arazoth.7290 said:

okay since you have trouble landing your stuff ln vindicator, make one. Then you can test the dodge and see properly when to hit them. If you wait extra seconds after his jump, it is like free game for the other player. Also because it is in the air it just looks like it dodges more because it is more visible so you notice more dodges. Weaver, some thief builds, any revenant spec, ranger to some degree all can dodge pretty well but are less subtile because it isn't a large jump in the air. You can look dodge duration time on vindicator with the normal dodge, duration isn't much different and amount of times is comparable to those. And building around mote dodging isn't vindicator only 😉 


in short: make vindi and learn the dodge ending when vulnerable


Also what is the main thing you play because you have trouble with the list you summed up? Also is this around 1v1 mostly or general ranked play?


PS. I just wanted to make a name joke 😅

Yeah i am aware that its same frames but visual side makes confusing me 1 step he jumps 2 step he flying in space step 3 almost landed but not really step 4 repeat dodge. The thing with ranger is that you more or less aware when he will block damage using gs while for vindicator its a simple dodge. Mostly i dont have problem with dodges well besides daredevils since they have extra one. This season i played mostly on dh 80% and 20% condi core necro. About my list mostly its about kit not about situation for example willbender can do both 1v1 and in team fight he just jumps knock someone and run away if he struck just press elite and run away. In 1v1 situation i can play my cards right and kill willbender if he less skilled than me. Thiefs almost doesnt engage  team fight so its close to 1v1 when i need to protect close/mid so its just a matter of time untill i die. Chrono its just lame both teamfights and 1v1 he place gravity well and if you got hit by that you dead. Its possible to fight them 1v1 but if you pull them in traps they just use their immunity  while being dragged by f1 chain so same situation with cringebender if he is good i am dead if not he is. Warriors like i said no problem besides than immune to power damage. Cata like any duelist will rekt me since it their job more or less but its kit allows them to survive 1vs2/3 and deal decent damage i might admit that i just seen very skilled cata or i and my teammatess wasnt skilled enough but even that was enough for to make that statement. That goes to all eles like you mentioned above weaver that switch between water and earth face tanking few ppl at once.
Yeah i am aware that dh might be far from meta and that spec not a duelist so i shouldnt match duelists at all but in reality anything might happen. Also i am aware how to deal damage with dh by pulling and pushing enemy in and out of traps just in case playing gold 3 current rating is 1437 and other seasons i stay like gold 2-plat 1

PS: didnt mention that rangers thievs + mesmers can trigger traps by using thiefs elite and mesmer's clones since its problem of spec that i play.

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1 hour ago, Irrational.2871 said:

Yeah i am aware that its same frames but visual side makes confusing me 1 step he jumps 2 step he flying in space step 3 almost landed but not really step 4 repeat dodge. The thing with ranger is that you more or less aware when he will block damage using gs while for vindicator its a simple dodge. Mostly i dont have problem with dodges well besides daredevils since they have extra one. This season i played mostly on dh 80% and 20% condi core necro. About my list mostly its about kit not about situation for example willbender can do both 1v1 and in team fight he just jumps knock someone and run away if he struck just press elite and run away. In 1v1 situation i can play my cards right and kill willbender if he less skilled than me. Thiefs almost doesnt engage  team fight so its close to 1v1 when i need to protect close/mid so its just a matter of time untill i die. Chrono its just lame both teamfights and 1v1 he place gravity well and if you got hit by that you dead. Its possible to fight them 1v1 but if you pull them in traps they just use their immunity  while being dragged by f1 chain so same situation with cringebender if he is good i am dead if not he is. Warriors like i said no problem besides than immune to power damage. Cata like any duelist will rekt me since it their job more or less but its kit allows them to survive 1vs2/3 and deal decent damage i might admit that i just seen very skilled cata or i and my teammatess wasnt skilled enough but even that was enough for to make that statement. That goes to all eles like you mentioned above weaver that switch between water and earth face tanking few ppl at once.
Yeah i am aware that dh might be far from meta and that spec not a duelist so i shouldnt match duelists at all but in reality anything might happen. Also i am aware how to deal damage with dh by pulling and pushing enemy in and out of traps just in case playing gold 3 current rating is 1437 and other seasons i stay like gold 2-plat 1

PS: didnt mention that rangers thievs + mesmers can trigger traps by using thiefs elite and mesmer's clones since its problem of spec that i play.

Well clones, pets and such AI can be indeed annoying to trigger traps yea. Be aware chrono will use that aoe pulsing cc so you hold distance and focus your area denial little bit on the other side of something, positioning always matters you know.

About the vindicator dodge, try to get someone with you in a private arena and you practice on attacking the right timing with his dodge till you do it regularly right.

I think you met a good cata yea, since after the nerfs they shouldn't be able to do it unless they outskill players which can be done on other builds too.

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