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Everything posted by Irrational.2871

  1. I mean you can advocate everything no matter how good or bad it is. There is huge difference between wd and lunar. First rotation of daily activities you dont need to do race daily because one day is a bell choir next day is jp and day after that lets say snowman lair. Above that there is reward for each activity witch have extra karma reward for first 3 tries per day so when you trying to do bells you might do 3 times instead of 1 but there are exceptions like reward doesnt reward you more than once and i doubt you would do infinarium more than once so its already way better. The next thing is annual achievement wich encourages doing 1000 bell notes killing 500 toys etc you will need it anyway so its not big deal to get extra tries for tier 2 reward.
  2. Lets say i am not afking in celestial challenge but it doesnt mean that other ppl wont do that. First of all doing race and adventure its not necessary to get daily achievement. So I and probably the rest of the ppl who playing this game doing 1 celestial challenge + 6 envelopes + either 3 champs or 5 firecrackers so its not 25 per day but 10. I dont wanna do adventure or race its reward is bad and not fun at all. I dont mind if some people like doing it feel free but i mind being forced to do that crap. My point is that the amount of activity and progress rate way too small. If you would compare it to other fests try at least count amount of activity for that i bet its more than 3. If we compare it with wintersday i could do 20 hard jp to get full weekly while spending 2 min for each run or so. I can get lunar weekly doing 20 challenges spending 10 min on each or do race 40 times spending 3 min on each.
  3. Lets be honest 10% per celestial challenge beyond good and evil same goes for race wich gives 5% and i didnt even check adventure progress rate. So i assume anet wanna us to do 20 celestial challenges per week in afk mode or so? There are no reasons to participate in it more than 1 time per day and the only option left to get weapon chest is to stay afk while other ppl do celestial challenge wich not cool at all.
  4. i mean if you have already condis on you it keep damaging you even if you dodge. I didnt say that you cant dodge attack that place condis on you
  5. you cant dodge condi damage thats why it kills you kinda faster than power damage thats it.
  6. bruh just get 1 ranger that will disarm traps with pet ez
  7. i mean lets be honest they need to sell soto more so the they make broken weapons for all classes so you would buy soto if you didnt yet.
  8. Not sure was it mentioned above BUT why jadebot: personal waypoint have 15 min cd that doesnt decrease when your character offline? Is there any reason to punish players with that kind of mechanic? My suggestion is to reduce cd time on jadebot way point while your character offline
  9. First of all i doubt you need to do it twice in single try. You need to bulid 100% honey wall by gatheting 3 circles with bees and move them to wall spot. Also you can bring bees one by one or stack them.
  10. Whatever there is no point in talking with you. Cringescale getting nerfed next patch and that feels good. So try challenge meta with double pigs or something dunno xd
  11. Cry me a river ranger player. If you wanna put smokefield near yourself try to unmerge. Also if you try to stomp and ur stability about to end you might not stomp ur target if they cc you after stab ends you got idea right? Use smokefield to guarantee stomp not before target downed or already dead hope you merge with ur pet fish so you could use two brains at once to understand text above xd Also to trigger trap enemy must step on it hope i resolved another problem of yours.
  12. Thats the case smokefield way to strong in pvp free invis free stomp also smoke assault merged version probably the cringest thing that game have and on top of that cc. kitten anet pls buff it otherwise its too weak xd
  13. you seriosly thought that i would check patch notes about cringescale since hot? Let me ask you one thing if that someskcale so bad and was nerfed once or twice in 10 years why the hell its being picked for like i dunno 5 years straight? You didnt thought that thing so strong and outperform any other beasts so there is some problem with it? Its not like we never seen any busted beasts before lets say drake did crazy damage for no reason year or two ago. Drake was nerfed and smokescale is not so there is another question if all beasts on average have 100 value by defualt and smokescale have 190 value and nerfing it by 50 value wont make it weak compared to other beasts you see what i am talking about? Numbers above is just for example so dont even think about nitpicking.
  14. smokescale exists 10 years without any nerfs 180% of rangers using it in pvp/wvw with any extra pet if they could they would take 2 smokescales now nerfs kicks in and rangers crying xddddd
  15. dunno why you hate 2v2 or 3v3 nothing wrong with this game modes its not even real in terms of rewards nor titles. Id say there is more complains towards anet like why the hell there is 3 maps after 11 years and balance things but i think its once again about pvp in general.
  16. i am aware that it hurts hearing truth about thiefs. But attacking from invis then dodging 2 times it alright time to survive 3 second that you need to wait after attack or kiting a bit hiding behind box or something. Also even if i manage to cc thief he will press panic button and will be alright since not all specs can allow both cc and super mobility. Yet i didnt pretend that thiefs can sruvive without invis its you trying to twist my words. Its a busted mechanic currently and i doubt it would be even fixed but if it would thiefs will recive somekind of buff instead so i dont understand why u trying to look miserably. You dont like hearing about perma invis cuz you cant run invisiable all the time not just fight time?
  17. u asked for ways to survive without invis i anwsered also you can change amulet for etra hp it might help with ur 10k hp xd its funny how theifs pretends that they dont have perma invis abusing smokefields
  18. 3 dodge smoke screen also it doesnt give the right to be perma invis if someone can block your attack you know
  19. Yeah i am aware that its same frames but visual side makes confusing me 1 step he jumps 2 step he flying in space step 3 almost landed but not really step 4 repeat dodge. The thing with ranger is that you more or less aware when he will block damage using gs while for vindicator its a simple dodge. Mostly i dont have problem with dodges well besides daredevils since they have extra one. This season i played mostly on dh 80% and 20% condi core necro. About my list mostly its about kit not about situation for example willbender can do both 1v1 and in team fight he just jumps knock someone and run away if he struck just press elite and run away. In 1v1 situation i can play my cards right and kill willbender if he less skilled than me. Thiefs almost doesnt engage team fight so its close to 1v1 when i need to protect close/mid so its just a matter of time untill i die. Chrono its just lame both teamfights and 1v1 he place gravity well and if you got hit by that you dead. Its possible to fight them 1v1 but if you pull them in traps they just use their immunity while being dragged by f1 chain so same situation with cringebender if he is good i am dead if not he is. Warriors like i said no problem besides than immune to power damage. Cata like any duelist will rekt me since it their job more or less but its kit allows them to survive 1vs2/3 and deal decent damage i might admit that i just seen very skilled cata or i and my teammatess wasnt skilled enough but even that was enough for to make that statement. That goes to all eles like you mentioned above weaver that switch between water and earth face tanking few ppl at once. Yeah i am aware that dh might be far from meta and that spec not a duelist so i shouldnt match duelists at all but in reality anything might happen. Also i am aware how to deal damage with dh by pulling and pushing enemy in and out of traps just in case playing gold 3 current rating is 1437 and other seasons i stay like gold 2-plat 1 PS: didnt mention that rangers thievs + mesmers can trigger traps by using thiefs elite and mesmer's clones since its problem of spec that i play.
  20. core thief/daredevil probably evereyone noticed that invisability pretty broken in this game cuz there is no tools to counter it. Ranger for example have skill that doesnt allow to go invis but the thing is thief could just run away and others dont even have that. Damage dealt to thiefs in invis doesnt reveal them so even if they on low hp they can decide to keep fighting you or run away and the only counter play left for you is to predict their next action but if you can farsee into the future then you wont have problems with any game you know. But that wont be such a problem if not thief's damage like random crit from invis dealt 8k to dolyak rune + marauder amulet is a cringe no more no less. In theory some specs can destory them but it doesnt mean that other specs should be pestered by the thieves chrono stun break immortality + their elite cata have both damage and def and a lot of utility altough you need time to learn how to play ele but its difficulty overcompensated stunlock warriors i dont mind somtimes to lay on the gorund for dunno 15 seconds? the problem is that spell that allow them to not recive power damage if that thing would be nerfed in terms of duration or cd or even both i wont have any problems with them. vindicator jumps way too much and i cant understand when he landed yet so either i wait for extra seconds to be sure he walking or missing some spells on air dodge. Also if they use staff they can jump with staff skills few more times before cd on dodge is up. cringebenders is like what if theif and guardian had sex they would gave birth to willbender its a tank with thief's damage and mobility for no reason
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