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Cheating in game - no oversight or accountability via Anet


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The "report"  function appears to be useless. Writing up a ticket with video footage, screenshots, timestamps, etc - appears to be useless. There are players in the game using non-stop racial slurs, tele-hacking, win trading in pvp, and nothing is done. Seems like the competitive side to this game is crumbling. 

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From prior experience with Anet/NCsoft support, they tend to issue warnings first before the banhammer falls, so just because the person still plays now after being reported doesn't mean they won't have game vacations in the future. I saw someone get a hefty ban because he told someone that they deserved to get kitten (in OW PvE; it was hilarious). I've seen a lot of "Unalive thy self" comments get warnings/bans.

As to hacking? Welp, Anet/NCsoft have very rarely banned for hacking/software botting, and, yes, it is annoying af.

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