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Returning Player Requesting Advice


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I played a decent amount of GW2 when it first released and I currently have 2 level 80 characters, a Norn Guardian and Norn Elementalist, and a level 32 Norn Necromancer. I quit around the first expansion, so it's been a long time since I've played. Due to my available play time, I'm after a more casual experience, probably up to an hour on weeknights and maybe 1-2 hours on the weekends at night. Since I have limited playtime, I'd like some advice on what classes/builds would be best for PvE to avoid waiting for groups. I also enjoy PvP, so if there's a class that can reliably do both, that'd be nice. Back when I played WoW, I was mostly a DPS player, but I've learned to enjoy tanking and supporting since then because group spots for DPS are usually few and highly contested. Any help to get back into the flow of the game and start getting back into the groove is appreciated! It may be important to mention that I've not purchased any of the expansions yet. I'm not opposed to it, but I'd like to make sure I'm enjoying things before doing so.

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Well if you dont have any expansion youll be limited. Each expansion besides the last one introduced elite specs which are just straight upgrades and give you additional options.

For example guardian.

Hot expansion gives you dragonhunter which is a big burst dmg dealer and great noob stomper in pvp.

Pof expansion introduced Firebrand who is arguably king of pve instances and can play as a healer, boondps and dps. Not good in pvp though. Mandatory as healer support in wvw.

Eod expansion introduced Willbender. Good dps in pve instances and good roamer in pvp, wvw.

Guardian is one of the few specs that are still decent without elite spec in pvp but mostly only as a healer support.

Both necro and ele are also very versatile. Ele is a bit specific though (generally more work for same output). With elite specs though.

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Welcome back! As a casual player myself I love this game, I get the limited time thing. This game is great for that as you have a bunch of mini projects you can work on and feel progression even in small intervals. Want this legendary, do these map completions, some pvp and farm these materials (or gold). I can then alternate doing stuff and completing objectives until I get there.

PVE: Fractal Dungeons are fairly short. Three Dailies and a recommended or two takes about 30mins (newer players on low tiers). Strikes (needs path of fire I believe) are mostly 1 room boss fights. The first couple of each expansion are fairly easy and quickly farmed for shards. Open world with the boss timers are fun fights. The Core ones are fairly quick and simple and some of the expansion ones take a bit of coordination.  Pay attention to the achievements tab. There are a lot of rewards in here. From legendries to cosmetics and more. 

Builds: While most groups are looking for certain buffs (Alacrity and Quickness) it's not completely impossible without them, especially at low difficulty levels. If you are looking for something to support a bit while you do damage a Celestial guardian (even core) can be a decent support with their shouts and consecrations. Or Warrior with the banners can give some good buffs while doing some big hits. Elementalist too with celestial stats would make a fine support in low difficulty stuff. While people prefer the Elite Specs from expansions most builds can succeed. Just remember your build and skills are easily swapped out of combat. Fail a fight, ask yourself why. Defiance bar not get broken? Bring an extra CC skill. Taking too much damage on a certain phase? Bring a skill that gives protection or aegis and try to time it to reduce stress on the party.

Resources: Hardstuck or Mukluklabs are what I use for most builds. Hardstuck has a lot with difficulty to play raitings. Also pay attention to the LI (low intensity) builds. They are great to learn a class/spec while you go through content. Also Mukluklabs has a great "Just hit 80 now what?" guide that may help explain your progression paths.

Most important have fun! Also don't hesitate to make your own groups on the LFG tool. Say your new and people do show up to help. This community is great!

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Thank you all for your detailed responses. I'm slowly looking through everything you've suggested as well as running around in-game trying to get used to everything again. The elite specs certainly look attractive, but I think I'm going to hold off getting the expansions until I get a little more experience.

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5 hours ago, Mechy.2304 said:

Thank you all for your detailed responses. I'm slowly looking through everything you've suggested as well as running around in-game trying to get used to everything again. The elite specs certainly look attractive, but I think I'm going to hold off getting the expansions until I get a little more experience.

I would recommend getting at least Pof+Hot expansions. The vanilla game today is old. With these 2 expansions you will get arguably the best content this game has to offer. Lot's of open world content that was really upscaled especially in Hot and just generally improved, lot's of story, 2 elite specs for each class, raids, many new stat combinations on gear, mounts, access to living story 3 and 4 (which you will still need to buy additionally). 

You can get them as a bundle (you buy Pof, Hot is bundled).

Keep in mind the original game doesn't really have much group content which I think you are interested in. You will have access to fractals (5 man content, very good) and I think 1 strike mission. And that's it (ok dungeons but those are also old and not developed anymore). Raids came with Hot and Pof (and living stories). Strikes come with Icebrood saga, End of dragons expansion and the latest expansion. 

Edited by Cuks.8241
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On 10/12/2023 at 6:35 AM, Mechy.2304 said:

Thank you all for your detailed responses. I'm slowly looking through everything you've suggested as well as running around in-game trying to get used to everything again. The elite specs certainly look attractive, but I think I'm going to hold off getting the expansions until I get a little more experience.

As you have level 80 characters, then you should take a look at Mastery and how to get those unlocked as those will help you a lot in most game modes in GW2. Mount came with PoF, Gliding came with HoT and SoTO let you equip weapon where you did need to have those earlier expansion to be able to use those elite specialization weapon (you can only equip weapon like axe if you activate Firebrand in Build for trait line. In SoTO if you unlock weaponmaster you can now equip Axe on Core Guardian, Dragon Hunter and Willbender, but will lack some supporting traits from FB trait line.


As you only have Core at this moment you could start to work on unlocking Core Tyria Mastery as you then get you will get access to autoloot (you will not need to use Interact key bind to pick up loot as loot will go directly to Inventory as long you have empty slots in Inventory) and some other features.

You will also have access to start to work on collection when you unlock Legendary crafting which can be useful to have unlocked as early as possible as you will get those items you need from just doing stuff.

There is also a Master track for Fractals which can be useful if you will do Fractals in the future.



From what I can see in this thread no body here explains that PvP or sPVP as it is a game mode where you use templates instead of gear, meaning when you enter PvP from PvP Panel (not WvW Panel as some also call WvW for PvP) you will have to pick an Amulet which have all your attributes. In other words the only difference here is which profession you have and what you unlock in PvP Panel to help you out.

It can be a better option if you are short on time and just want to play and maybe get some Gold to work on for you PvE characters. There are also reward tracks for reward so you can work on PvE objectives while playing PvP, like getting map currency you otherwise would have to go to that map to farm. It is also possible get Dungeon currency this way.



In WvW you will also have WvW reward track that work the same way as for PvP where you can work on map currency or objectives that belong to PvE maps or dungeons.

Edited by ShadowCatz.8437
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