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Infinite Volatile Magic Gathering Tools on sale this week or not?

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Hello! The article posted on the main GW2 website on October 10th says that Infinite Volatile Magic Gathering Tools will be on sale this week. I have been keeping my eye out for these for quite a while. When I saw that they would be on sale, I was excited. I've been checking the gem store every day since the post. Some of the items they said would be on the gem store are there while others aren't. I haven't been able to find any information or an answer for why this is. 


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1 hour ago, mazut.4296 said:

I don't see them either.

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Embody daring and drama with these charming pants that are an elegant addition to any wardrobe. You will look stunning with an edge of mystery—perfect for the fall!

What’s in Stock

We’re refreshing our seasonal selection of unlimited gathering tools and fishing rod skins with a 20% discount starting this Friday. The incredible discounted items include Infinite Volatile Magic Gathering Tools,

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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