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Hand Revive Hack/Mod w/e it is

Trevor Boyer.6524

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55 minutes ago, phokus.8934 said:

Bugs are not hacks.

Edit:  You are also not understanding the distinction between the two.  What I said is how this game works, whether you believe it or not.

I'm not making a distinction because I'm not discussing the definitions of exploits, bugs, hack, ect. I'm am making it clear as I can without posting links that there are indeed ways to achieve the OPs claims. That's the end of "our" conversation for the sake of not derailing the topic. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, players in this game cheat, hack, and exploit every bug that benefits them, and hurts the competition. Even account sharing. Whether you believe it or not.

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3 hours ago, magickthief.6492 said:

I'm not making a distinction because I'm not discussing the definitions of exploits, bugs, hack, ect. I'm am making it clear as I can without posting links that there are indeed ways to achieve the OPs claims. That's the end of "our" conversation for the sake of not derailing the topic. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, players in this game cheat, hack, and exploit every bug that benefits them, and hurts the competition. Even account sharing. Whether you believe it or not.

No one has said otherwise that people will exploit in a game... not sure how you're reading that?

There is no revive hack whatsoever that is done by a third-party client.  As I said, bugs are not hacks which his a pretty big difference that you're not grasping.

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On 11/2/2023 at 6:38 PM, phokus.8934 said:

No one has said otherwise that people will exploit in a game... not sure how you're reading that?

There is no revive hack whatsoever that is done by a third-party client.  As I said, bugs are not hacks which his a pretty big difference that you're not grasping.

There are third party "overlays" that automate actions, one of those actions is an exploit, that will achieve what the OP claims. I won't link it, but Google shouldnt be hard to navigate.

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As a neutral here...

On 11/2/2023 at 6:01 AM, phokus.8934 said:

Healing is server side, though; as are all actions (except the task of pressing a hot key).

This would agree with previous topics about lag switches being used in sPvP--if someone can selectively lag switch other players than it could very well look like a speed heal hack as they catch up.

On 10/30/2023 at 1:32 PM, Deadmoose.6594 said:

When I was a high gold 3 nearing plat and played with you and other people in that rank range, it was the most toxic experience I've ever seen in pvp by a mile.

Yes; which is why we have topics like 'that ranger FFA guy'--not necessarily because Trevor is always involved, but because the trash talk from arena / higher tier sPvP always seems to find a way to spill to other places.

Not that games below are substantially better, but at least you get more randoms raging instead of the group of 5-10 known tryhard/trashtalker's.  

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On 10/28/2023 at 12:38 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I'll just say it once. This hand revive hack/mod/bug whatever this is, is getting massively out of hand and it is making way too big of a difference in matches to where legitimate players can't outplay the people who are using it.

There was a sudden nearly complete disappearance of traditional hack mods like speed/tele hack, and at the same time that happened, a bunch of new weird stuff started showing up, most of it not being so obvious to spot unless you know the game well enough, which I won't get all into right now.

The one that IS easy to see however, is this new hand revive boost. I'm not even going to worry about initially posting footage of this yet as I'm sure everyone has already seen this as it is wide-spread lately. And no, I'm not talking situations where someone is mistaken and doesn't see a revive sig used or didn't notice that a guardian cast a symbol under himself when someone started a revive or didn't understand a series of small increases to revive speed such as a blood necro stopping bleed damage while reviving with the well enhancement assist. <- These are marginally small boosts to revive speed. What I'm talking about, is when a player is hand reviving people at roughly 4x to 5x faster than what is even possible. IE: You're 1v1 on a side node and you put a Warrior into downstate, and then a DP Daredevil shows up, bends down and hand revives the War back up in quite seriously 1s to 1.5s when the War was already at 40% downstate health AND you're applying cleave while the guy is reviving and he still can hand revive in 1s - 1.5s.  This kind of revive speed is the equivalent of what it would look like if 4 or 5 team mates kneeled down at the same time to hand revive someone. There is no way in the game to enhance hand revive speed this much, not even close. This is a glaringly gross problem happening in the community and Arenanet really needs to take action on this one. 

I'd love to see Arenanet take action against ALL of the bull**** in general, but at this point the hand revive hack/mod/bug whatever the hell it is, is definitely the largest problem and it needs to go. It's really *****ing all over the dynamic of the game.

(scrapper gyro)

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15 hours ago, Wave.7035 said:

by definition a bug is not a cheat or a hack. A bug would be an exploit. There aren't that many bugs in this game and the bugs that do exist aren't extreme enough to really be useful in any situation. Trevor has a bad habit of going off about hacks and exploits constantly. If you've ever queued with him which I have unfortunately done before I really knew much about him you learn pretty fast that people are only hacking or wintrading when he's losing which is often. You wont see exploits like the banner exploit happen hardly ever and that was one of the very rare instances of an exploit that was abusable and gave a significant advantage. Don't get sucked into the conspiracy theory BS. 

I often consider exploiting bugs to be cheating.  Like if the geniuses released a patch where revenants can never die given a certain combination of traits... and I then immediately sign up for ranked and go into the match and intentionally use this fact... sure that's a bug, but I also consider it cheating in ranked.

Or if they release a beta, and make it so you can't queue with the beta classes. But I find a way to swap after having qeued to a beta class that is broken so I can compete with it in ranked.... yeah cheating.

Edited by shion.2084
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I asked someone in 2 v 2 to please stop cheating, they intentionally used an exploit to leave a field in front of my exit point, so that when the match started it would be there on our spawn.   They claimed that exploiting to leave an 8k condi field at the very start of the match was just clever use of what Anet allows and not cheating.   You can probably argue one way or another about it, and there's two kinds of people, the sort that will try to justify it, and the sort that have some integrity.

I killed them righteously.   And with the ultimate disrespect of pulping them with a mortar.

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